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things in emerald that make you mad

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Forgot about somthing important? have no pokeballs when you come across a shiney? a pokeblock the wrong flavor? discuss it all here.


Hoenn Champion
One thing that makes me mad about Emerald is that IT ISN'T OUT IN THE UK YET. I know that it isnt in game but it is taking much longer than I thought. It would annoy me if I came across a shiney and had no pokeballs, but that is something which is upto you.


Well-Known Member
Jesse said:
I encountered a shiny in the battle pyramid.

Wally never wants to rebattle me GRR
when I was forced to give one of my apprentices a Roselia. well it was that or Corsola x_x.
No Meditite/Medicham *starts riot* oh wait I can just trade. *trades*
Medicham's dynamicpunch always hits in frontier... weird but frustrating...


2 things that have made me mad:

1.When my entire team got OHKOd by a Horn Drilling Rhydon in the battle arena.
2.When I lost 3000 coins to the slot machines in the game casino.


Well, i'm mad that you need all these special tickets to get rare pokemon, like mew and deoxys.

Not in game, but i'm mad that i'm the only guy that like pokemon in Cincinnati.....:-(


I have 150 hours play time in emerald and I still haven't met Berry Blend Master.
I want to make gold pokeblocks so badly.
And also The Battle Frontier because I think it's impossible to get a gold symbol. I know that somebody might have but it's too hard to get one.
That is what makes me mad.
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the last of the heracross

i hated it when u have to surf to the sky tower to wake rayquaza and u run into tentacool and double battles every ten seconds


So true, Heracross. o_O; Speaking of which, I hate how Heracross are fairly common in the SZ but they just hang around and never stay in the ball... >.O I also hate Juan's DT Kingdra.


A few things:

1) There is a limit to Base items. Worse than that, it is 16!!! Too tiny.
2) This is a dragon tamer in the dome, after him goes Tucker, and he killed my Gengar (who has Destiny Bond, btw) and Metagross w/ a Breloom!!!!!!!!! GRRR!!!!
3) Latios and Feebas. Period.
4) I've had 2 energy guru sales, 3 rooftop sales but no Berry Blend Master.
5) Mirage Island.
6) Datsura ****ing controls all hax in the Factory when I battle him! Imagine the outcomes...but I won once!
7) The patheticness of E4. Makes training to L100 hard.
8) I have only 1 shiny, who is from my LG. I played Emerald more than LG. And its a Hypno >.< And its a bad nature >>.<<

Yeah. XD

Pokemon Master Elite

Some things that make me mad is:
-All my Pokemon have incredibly low HP, DEF,SP.DEF, and Speed. (ATK and Sp.ATK is pretty high though. Lv.95 Rayquaza with 401 SP.ATK!)
-Going pass 130 floors in Battle Pike and then getting creamed and having to start it all over.
-Decorations In Battle Frontier costs too much BP!
-The Pokerus immunition that all my PKMN have.
-The Battle Frontier, it's too hard!
-Symbols, can't beat any frontier leaders but Lucy.


Zephyr Trainer
Things that make me mad:

-Battle Factory: Just WHY did that shiny Sceptile appear there <<
-Pickup works different: I don't like it, I'm used to catching 5 zigzagoons, pickup alot of rare candy's and evolving my starter PKMN into its last evolution before the first gym (in fact, I did that with my R/S games before wally catches his PKMN)


Well-Known Member
You guys all have such bad problems. I beat Noland the first time I encountered him, never lost the battle before a frontier brain battle, have seen the blend master 4 times, haven't seen any shinies in the frontier. A shiny Sceptile in the factory? Of all the facilities, you can actually own it temperarily. I'd've loved that...

anyway, not much makes me mad except when I lose in the frontier to some random haxer... usually a DTer of some kind...
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Citrus Man

Citrus Man AWAY!
basically i hate it that every three days i get the frackin department store clearout! MY SECRET BASE ALREADY HAS A MAZE OF SAND ORNAMENTS! the end


Love. Honor. Truth
What makes me mad on emerald is that you can't catch roselia. ;315; I like roselia a lot but I can't get it on emerald.


Well-Known Member
I hate Going threw the Battle Dome and Pyramid and i Get Beaten just before i get to battle the brain


I also hate Juan's DT Kingdra

the MOST pathetic way to beat someone is with struggle...lol and i made this kingdra do it LOL. it took out all my pokemon except my wailord, who had REST!!! ahahha! i just kept restoring hp cause his evasivness was maxed out. :-D ;249-d; HAHAHAHA! yeah, it was worth it.


Let's rock!
battling May and remembers I dont have any potions!


I like cheerios.

In the battle dome getting beaten by a breloom when my Swellow uses fly, breloom has focus band and uses counter!!!!!


Hive Trainer
How about one of my berry patches not growing. I have one spot in my game that stays in the "just planted" stage forever. I can plant other stuff all around it without any issues, but that one just won't grow. I stopped playing my game and am considering startnig over because of it. Really I should just send it off to Nintendo and have them fix it. *grrr*
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