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Things SPPF members would never say

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Okay, since josh closed this in the misolaneous forums (sp?) and sugested to make a new one in the games forum. I made one. All you have to do is say what another member would never say. For instance:
Vycksta: I hate sneasals



Well-Known Member
Parasectdude: I HATE PARASECT and I am not a guy! I prefer my lovey dovey wurmple so I should be called Wurmple lass and I am not a christian!
Edit: yay 1st post
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Well-Known Member
elekible addict: I hate elekids!

shooting star

Leaving SPPF! G'bye!
Me: Muk is ugly, jirachi is uncool and absol is goód in battle but looks like crap. PINK RULES!

Elementman-novapoke: Never use starters!

Edit: oops i wasnt really allowed to say myself. Sorry for that.
Manaphi Master:I hate Manaphi!
Vycksta:I hate Sneasel!
Jess:Reply to SPAM it is good!
doomgamer: Doom is bad!I hate China!
darkjigglypuff:I hate Bush!

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
I-love ami:I HATE AMI!

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!


Well-Known Member
Vycksta: HAHAHAHAOMGWTFBBQSNEASELANDWEAVILESUXSUXSUXSUXSUX .........hghfjjdfSPAM SPAM **** to those **** that are Sneasel and Weavile!!!!! Yay! I <3 <3 <3 <3 Fearow, Ludicolo and Blaziken! ddddddddddd LOL!


super noob
Serebii: I am t3h noob, and I pwn you all!!! RAWRZ OMFGBBQLOL
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