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Things SPPF members would never say

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Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Dragonfan:Dragonair?What's that?

Sharpedo Boy

< Don't take drugs!
Blaperile:Blazekein is rubbish!


super noob
crobaman: Crobat is the worse Pokemon ever.
Megadio26: Mr. Mime is smexy.

woot21 out dawgs


skitty24: I HATE YOU KHRIS! Just die! Die and rot in hell! And you're all a bunch of ***holes that should die in a slow and painful fashion! I HATE YOU ALL!

Pnoiboi: If I could have anything, I'd have my very own Strike Freedom Gundam to take over the world and kill everyone I hate! And Stephanie is my first victim! MWHAHAHAHAHAHA!

(if any of you ever read this... please don't kill me. .___.)


Darhrukario: OMG I hate Mew SO much!!!

Serebii: Does anyone know of a good forum I could join?
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