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Things SPPF members would never say

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Mega Trickster

Blargagh blargh
Fat<3Cat: What's a cat? Is it a type of pie?


super noob
Vycksta: My best friend here is Fighting Dark Man. He loves Sneasel more than me.

P.S. If you want something huge about me go to the most useless pokemon of G/S/C thread.
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Well-Known Member
Superman Landon*:I hate spam

Mega Trickster:I am Male

Parasectdude:I hate Parasect and i am not a dude i want to change my name to Parasecthater!

Shooting star:When i make a new team on my game, i do take the classic strong ones. I take
no odd pokemons to see how rubbish they will become. If you don't use this philosophy, copy and paste this into your signature.

Me:I hate Munchlax and think Snorlax are just fat slobs!

*He got banned for being horrible to newbies and spamming in every thread he could find


Well-Known Member
psiumbreon: Jesus Loves Me!

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
RaZoR LeAf: 0eMFgZ tRa1N3r CaRd5 g0 1n D1g1tAl M33d1Ah!!1!!11 W00t d0Ub13 P05T l0l01 1 bAn Y0U aNd YoU rof1ma0 I hAk SeRr3b11!!!!1!1elveven!1!

Translation: OMFG trainer cards go in digital media!!! Woot double posts lolol I will ban you and you roflmao I hack serebii!!!
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super noob
Mucnhlax42: I hate Lucario.

Serebii: The rules are pointless.


The Divine One
Serebii: Haha. Look at all the gay pokemon n00bs. I made this site just to laugh at you. Hahahaha! I am closing this site down. Don't you feel bad, you hopeless stupid smelly geeks?


Natsu no Maboroshi
Shooting star: Why a star is shooting? It's a terrorist? XD


Natsu no Maboroshi
Fat<3Cat: Cats? Are they yummy?


super noob
zezrex: I understand how this game works.

ΩOmega WeavileΩ

Skinning every bears
Me: Lets ALL do Vycksta in this thread! How origional!
woot21: Medicham? I dun like her. She scares my under my bed.

For Poopy, he never posted. Ever. Look him up in the member list, hes there I swear it.


Teh Jackness Inside
?Omega Weavile?- I am teh Deltane-- I mean, Alphane-- I mean, Ah forget it.
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