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Things that annoy you - in general

Captain Jigglypuff

*On Vacation. Go Away!*
I feel annoyed with how much Star Wars is constantly being shoved into my face. I don’t like the movies and am not interested in it but I could tolerate it if it wasn’t so heavily commercialized and the Lego sets and other toys taking up literally two entire aisles when other popular toy brands get half as much space and are usually given half an aisle. Lego Harry Potter and Super Mario often have to share shelf space right next to each other and they are both extremely popular Lego themes. Lego Batman only gets two or three shelves at best. And then you have Barbie which only gets half an aisle and not stocked very full despite being one of the major sellers in toys. It just disgusts me how overly marketing the Star Wars brand has become. I mean we don’t need two entire aisles right next to each other dedicated to Star Wars alone.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
I feel annoyed with how much Star Wars is constantly being shoved into my face. I don’t like the movies and am not interested in it but I could tolerate it if it wasn’t so heavily commercialized and the Lego sets and other toys taking up literally two entire aisles when other popular toy brands get half as much space and are usually given half an aisle. Lego Harry Potter and Super Mario often have to share shelf space right next to each other and they are both extremely popular Lego themes. Lego Batman only gets two or three shelves at best. And then you have Barbie which only gets half an aisle and not stocked very full despite being one of the major sellers in toys. It just disgusts me how overly marketing the Star Wars brand has become. I mean we don’t need two entire aisles right next to each other dedicated to Star Wars alone.
I think part of it seems to be how much Lego is willing to pay for buying up shelf space for a increased price at their expense. They can afford it because of how big the company is.


You can call me Tanner.
Was listening to NPR's WWDTM, and the hosts were making fun of couples that order the same thing at a restaurant (apparently Joe and Jill Biden had done this recently). Why do people pick the stupidest social cues to get worked up over? Maybe it's my neurodivergence showing, but I don't understand why these "social faux pas" are such a big deal.


Long gone are the days
How society is obsessed with the body of others. Can’t even breathe in peace. Hair, looks, clothing, face… you name it, crazy to think that some people believe there is something inherently wrong with a person just because they have curly hair or similar things like that.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
How society is obsessed with the body of others. Can’t even breathe in peace. Hair, looks, clothing, face… you name it, crazy to think that some people believe there is something inherently wrong with a person just because they have curly hair or similar things like that.

Exactly. Add in if someone is wearing a mask. People just want to stay safe.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
People who tailgate you while driving. Especially when you’re already at the speed limit

Word. And those who do that and then try to pass you.


Avid Pokemon TCG Card collector.
Getting mild cases of epilepsy where i'm unable to remember what i'm trying write/type or say right words or where i was headed (it delays me by 5-10 seconds)
Those epilepsy/seizure side-effects (because the medication is effective) while you manage to stay mostly awake IS SO ANNOYING.


Artistic Flair
Your face becoming itchy during classes in science labs but for safety reasons you cannot give that reliving scratch. Also tape and stickers sticking like hell to plastic disposable gloves, went through a few labels as I ended up ripping them apart while trying to ‘unstick’ them from the gloves.


Getting mild cases of epilepsy where i'm unable to remember what i'm trying write/type or say right words or where i was headed (it delays me by 5-10 seconds)
Those epilepsy/seizure side-effects (because the medication is effective) while you manage to stay mostly awake IS SO ANNOYING.
I understand. I have epilepsy too, and get the same thing it's annoying; or when you're talking with friends get the ones that you don't pass out or anything, but words get all mushed together


Well-Known Member
The fact that I can't remember birthdays - EVER. My friends are some of the most important people in my life, and yet I (almost) always forget their birthdays - even though I've known some of them for more than a century. This really annoys me about myself.


To Boldly Go Where No One Has Gone Before.
Staff member
Windows 10. Made my sd card reader not work. It couldn't read either of my new sd cards. Both have no problems with them. So I couldn't reformat them. Thankfully my 3ds could still use the card as is.

Windows 10 and sd card issues

^ Found out via this thread that other people have been running into this same problem.


You can call me Tanner.
Currently in the process of moving locations at my current job. In the meantime, have to share an office with my supervisor until we get to the new building, which is an annoyance in and of itself for a variety of reasons. But what really gets on my nerves is how she always calls her daughter on speakerphone at least once a day, sometimes for up to an hour or two at a time. Not that I'm opposed to people talking with their family while on the job, but it's really distracting when I'm forced to listen to it, and frankly, there are some intimate details about their personal life that I just don't need nor want to hear about.


It’s Elbaf season!
Don’t you just hate it when the charger for your Nintendo Switch randomly stops working?! It’s so frustrating!