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Things that may help you in battle frontier.

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Back I guess??
Here is all that I found of Battle Frontier and I want to put there to stop for some threads.

this is the oldman more searched in the game! (he is in the house back at the pokemon center)
when you show one pokemon for him, he tells you some phrases, the first is the sum of all IV and the other is the best stat of the pokemon, if the pokemon has the same IV from different stats, show him a lot of times.
Sum of IV - comentary
0 to 90: I would describe as having being of average ability
91 to 120: I would as having a better-than-average ability
121 to 150: I would say is quite impressive in ability!
151 to 186: I would say is wonderfully outstanding in ability!

stat IV - comentary
0 to 15: that stat is relatively good.
16 to 25: that stat is quite impressive.
26 to 30: that stat is outstanding!
31: It´s flawless! a thing of perfection!

Ability symbol:
Silver: 35 in a row
Gold: 70 in a row BP earned: 20 (IIRC)

Silver pokemon:
Alakazam: Thunderpunch/ Ice punch/ Fire punch / Disable @ Brightpowder
Entei: Fire blast / Calm mind / Return / Roar @ Lum berry
Snorlax: Body slam / Shadow ball / Belly drum / Yawn @ Quick claw

Gold pokemon:
Raikou: Thunderbolt / Calm mind / Reflect / Rest @ Lum berry
Latios: Psychic / Dragon claw / Calm mind / Recover @ Brightpowder
Snorlax: Return/ Shadow ball / Curse / Rest @ chesto berry

Tatic symbol:
Silver: 20 in a row
Gold: 40 in a row BP earned: 15

Silver pokemon:
Swampert: Surf / Earthquake / Ice beam / Counter @ Focus band
Salamence: Earthquake / Aerial ace / Dragon claw / Brick break @ Lum berry
Charizard: Overheat / Rock slide / Aerial ace / Earthquake @ White herb

Gold pokemon:
Swampert: Surf / Earthquake / Ice beam / Mirror coat @ Leftovers
Metagross: Meteor mash / Earthquake / Psychic / Protect @ Quick claw
Latias: Thunderbolt / Psychic / Calm mind / Rest @ Chesto berry

Spirit symbol:
Silver: 21 in a row
Gold: 42 in a row

Silver pokemon:
Crobat: Toxic / Confuse ray / Double team / Fly @ Brightpowder
Slaking: Earthquake / Swagger / Shadow ball / Brick break @ Scope lens
Lapras: Ice beam / Confuse ray / Protect / Horn drill @ Quick claw

Gold pokemon:
Arcanine: Overheat / Extremespeed / Roar / Protect @ White herb
Slaking: Hyper beam / Earthquake / Shadow ball / Yawn @ Scope lens
Suicune: Blizzard / Surf / Bite / Calm mind @ King´s rock

Guts symbol: Silver: 28 in a row
Gold: 56 in a row BP earned: 13

Silver pokemon:
Heracross: Megahorn / Rock tomb / Endure / Reversal @ Salac berry
Umbreon: Body slam / Confuse ray / Psychic / Faint attack @ Leftovers
Shedinja: Shadow ball / Return / Aerial ace / Confuse ray @ Brightpowder

Gold pokemon:
Umbreon: Double-edge / Psychic / Confuse ray / Rest @ Chesto berry
Gengar: Psychic / Hypnosis / Dream eater / Destiny bond @ Leftovers
Breloom: Spore / Focus punch / Giga drain / Headbutt @ Lum berry

Knowledge Symbol: Silver 21 in a row
Gold: 42 in a row

FACTORY HEAD NOLAND (aleatory team)

Luck symbol: Silver: 28 rooms in a row (2 crossings) BP earned: 11
Gold: 140 rooms in a row (10 crossings) BP earned: 18

Silver pokemon:
Seviper: Swagger / Crunch / Poison fang / Giga drain @ Quick claw
Shuckle: Toxic / Sandstorm / Protect / Rest @ Chesto berry
Milotic: Ice beam / Surf / Mirror coat / Recover @ Leftovers

Gold pokemon:
Seviper: Swagger / Crunch / Sludge bomb / Giga drain @ Focus band
Steelix: Earthquake / Rock slide / Screech / Explosion @ Brightpowder
Gyrados: Dragon dance / Return / Roar / Rest @ Chesto berry

Brave symbol: Silver: 21 floors in a row
Gold: 70 floors in a row BP earned: 19

Silver pokemon:
Regirock: Ancientpower / Super power / Earthquake / Explosion @ Quick claw
Registeel: Metal claw / Earthquake / Toxic / Iron defence @ Leftovers
Regice: Ice beam / Thunder / Amnesia / Rest @ Chesto berry

Gold pokemon:
Articuno: Blizzard / Aerial ace / Water pulse / Reflect @ Scope lens
Zapdos: Thunder / Drill peck / Detect / Light screen @ Lum berry
Moltres: Fire blast / Hyper beam / Aerial ace / Safeguard @ Brightpowder

Phew, that´s all, after I´ll put the nature effects in Battle palace, I hope this help!
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Black Widow

Well-Known Member
Powerful Blaziken88 already made a thread like this, but this one has some info that one doesn't, if my eyes don't decieve me.
Nice info though. :)

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
The Legendary Top Pokemon Breeder has become most useful in the game as it has helped to distinguish the ones at level 5 quite effectively. While I already have all the silver badges, I have come oh so close to facing the brains for the golden time just to get wiped out. In the battle pike, my Blissey got trick-banded by an alakazam and had to struggle for survival in the 137th room. In the battle palace, my regice got blown up by a glalie down to its last HP in the 41st round. It seems like it was never meant to be.


Back I guess??
more things, featuring the palace chances

In serebii.net there is a part that isn´t complete, the palace percentage, the percentage modifies varing the HP (like the game says), so here is the list:

The order: Nature; percentage to attack (damage); % to defend; % to support/ % to attack under 50% HP; % to defend under 50% HP; % to support under 50%HP

Hardy: 61% ;7% ;32% / 61%; 7%; 32%
Lonely: 20%; 25%; 55% / 84%; 8%; 8%
Brave: 70%; 15%; 15% / 32%; 60%; 8%
Adamant: 38%; 31%; 31% / 70%; 15%; 15%
Naughty: 20%; 70%; 10% / 70%; 22%; 8%
Bold: 30%; 20%; 50% / 32%; 58%; 10%
Docile: 56%; 22%; 22% / 56%; 22%; 22%
Relaxed: 25%; 15%; 60% / 75%; 15% 10%
Impish: 69%; 6%; 25% / 28%; 55%; 17%
Lax: 35%; 10%; 55% / 29%; 6%; 65%
Timid: 62%; 10%; 28% / 30%; 20%; 50%
Hasty: 18%; 37%; 45% / 88%; 6%; 6%
Serious: 34%; 11%; 55% / 29%; 11%; 60%
Jolly: 35%; 5%; 60% / 35%; 60%; 5%
Naive: 56%; 22%; 22% / 56%; 22%; 22%
Modest: 35%; 45%; 20% / 34%; 60%; 6%
Mild: 44%; 50%; 6% / 34%; 6%; 60%
Quiet: 56%; 22%; 22% / 56%; 22%; 22%
Bashful: 30%; 58%; 12% / 30%; 58%; 12%
Rash: 30%; 13%; 57% / 27%; 6%; 67%
Calm: 40%; 50%; 10% / 25%; 62%; 13%
Gentle: 18%; 70%; 12% / 90%; 5%; 5%
Sassy: 88%; 6%; 6% / 22%; 20%; 58%
Careful: 42%; 50%; 8% / 42%; 50%; 8%
Quirky: 56%; 22%; 22% / 56%; 22%; 22%

A bit confuse no?, just pass this to a notebook if you thing that this is difficult to understand
So for the team, if you want a swepper, choose Hardy, quiet, Naive or Docile nature, but if you want some that uses calm mind or swords dance, and is fast enoutgh, the best choice are naughty, Gentle and Hasty.
I hope this help again, next help post I will put the best strategeries to each Battle local.
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Back I guess??
you don´t choose them if the pokemon that you caught/hatch is adamant, it will be always adamant


My theory with the battle frontier is that it's rigged. No doubt about it.

Example 1: When I first started i took my 3 strongest pkmn: Blaziken, Lanturn, and Aggron. All of them are weak to ground moves. After a few battles in the frontier, bam, everyone has a pkmn with earthquake. I mean EVERYONE! I didnt even know Sharpedo could learn frickin earthquake!

Example 2: Fed up with this, I decide to raise a lv 50 team. I decide to try something basic, so I make a team of starters. Because of Blaziken and Sceptile's weakness to flying moves, I give my Marshtomp ice beam. A few battles in, bam, everyone starts using water/flying pkmn to counter ice beam. People were sending out pellipers and mantines left and right.

If this doesn't prove the cheapness of the battle frontier, I dont know what will!

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I brought in a timid lv5 abra to the legendary breeder today and it first said its HP was flawless, then 2nd time said its defense was flawless, but still said it had impressive abilities. I think I will make this abra a trick-bander since its HP & defense seem right for it along with a high speed stat.


Well-Known Member
Jolteon ^..^, is it ok if I "steal" that info about the Legendary Top Breeder and put it in my guide? XD

Go ahead and continue with this, but if I catch you copying from my guide I will report you.

Meh, I was generally lazy in the sense that sites like Pokefor had the information, but now Pokefor's gone... Guess I gotta update it a little to make up for the loss.


Back I guess??
yes, you can (only if you put my name there) and tomorrow I will continue with this, my hands are hurting to write a lot.

you can also copy the palace percentage, if you improve it (what I recomend) put something like "info forneced by Jolteon ^..^" or something like this, thanks for the attention
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Back I guess??
it´s OK powerful_blaziken88, and now my last part of BF:
For you works good in this place, seacrch an offensive balanced team, a good sugestion is a very good psychical pokemon with CB, other with special attacks (one pokemon that uses calm mind is also good) and another that uses stats condition, like sleep, poison, and some attacks like leech seed.

when more you know the opponent, better. So use the tips that the gude gives you. As you will use only 2 pkmn in battle, avoid common weakness (like one water and one flying-both have eletric weakness). And use the last line Dome card opponet phrase (that one: emphasis on speed) and observe what pokemon in op. team uses that stats.

in this local, your pokemon will be tested as never!, You can decide only the pokemon that will be on arena, the poemon will decide what they will do. An inovated battle mode, but is capable to make you speak A LOT of ********, in some moments. I have almost nothing to speak here, a good team is pokemon with Hardy, Quiet, Naive or Docile, and if the pokemon will se attacks like calm mind or swords dance, go with naughty, gentle and hasty.

The pokemon team is pre select when you enter the challenge, so use the second pokemon that has advantage in the 1st weakness eletric pokemon here or other that has few weakess is good. Don´t use pokemon with long strategies, because the turns, choose direct attacks (psychical/special sweper) and recuperation for the hard moments). cancel opponent attacks is the best strategy here, attack the other with flinch (king´s rock + headbutt/bite, and Fake-out), sleep and confusion are welcome too.

Another local that there is almost nothing to speak, switch, switch, switch, switch, and switch pokemon before each battle, and use the gude tips too, like if the op. has speciality in Dark pokemon it means that it has at least 2 pokemon of this type. Switch pokemon also allows you have more powerful pokemon in the future.

here the luck people can take advantage, is possible to pass throught the place without have one battle! You can´t attach items like beeries or herbs, because you will use it only one time. The biggest problem here is the recuperation, a good idea is bring with you a pokemon that learns milk drink or softboiled, with them you can recover pokemon outside battle. Pokemon with heal bell or aromatherapy is also good for those kirlias or dusclops that appears at any moment. natural cure or shed skin pokemon here is always welcome too. Does someone thought in blissey?

For you prepare before the exploration here, is better you talk with the girl next to the computer that tells you what will the common stats condition in your next travel, so prepare your team with pokemon with limber, imunity, or earth or metal pokemon depending on the cond.. The best thing here are the itens, this is the unic frontier place that allows you to use itens in battle and outside them, but your pokemon can´t hold itens you can attack berries that you found in each floor, pokemon with pick up or thief is also good.

Now I finish my walktrought in frontier, if I get more info about this place, I wil put here, if yu have more, you can post it here.
I hope I helped you
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Expert Evan

Old Fogey
Here were my battle points earned for gold as follows:

battle pyramid, brave, 19
battle pike, luck, 18
battle dome, tactics, 15
battle arena, guts, 13

The area I may have to reassemble another party for is that of the battle palace as it seems often with my adamant & timid sweepers they are incapable of using their powers. I am currently reconsidering to use dusclops which knows calm mind(defense), ice beam(attack), will-o-wisp(support) & confuse ray(support) as it was originally part of my silver team.


Back I guess??
I edited my list of palace chances, now it´s easier to understand, red is to attack, green to defense and yelow to support, enjoy!

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
Looks like I'll be breeding for a naughty metagross as I have a naughty ditto with flawless attack & speed and teach this one double team so it can max evasion before it attacks. I also have a naive starmie which can attack 61% of the time, will probably re-teach it recover and remove psychic.
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Back I guess??
you can follow this:
the number of arrows is the number of steps

^>>>>breeder´s house>>>>old woman>>rock

or this:
north=N east=E west=W
you use fly and you´re in front of pokemon center´s door of the battle frontier.
3stepsW 7stepsN 4stepsE

Expert Evan

Old Fogey
I notice in the nature section for hasty appearing as follows:

Hasty: 8%; 37%; 5% / 88%; 6%; 6%

8+37+5 = 50% as I don't think the other 50% of the time would make it incapable of loafing around to that affect. The attack percent looks great when lower on health.

So far my naughty metagross has performed quite well for its nature with the exception of facing a thunderwave/thunderbolting plusle which completely destroyed my team. If that trend continues, I may consider raising up a flygon but then there are pokemon with ice attacks that would be a problem.
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