Eh, ragazzo!
I'm mostly talking about grade school and high school, but you can talk about college if you want.
Here's my list.
-I hated how loud fire drills when I was in small school. I remember one time, they made a fire prop that creeped me out as a kid.
- I hated this one time, we had to take a test based on notes we took during a small short we watched in music school. If we got x amount right or higher, the teacher said we were ready for college. If we got lower than that, we were not ready for college. I never remember doing anything like this for college.
-I hated how unnecessarily upset teachers some times get at petty things. One time, I was trying to write a paper, and I erased at the same place on the paper so many times, that it got muddied. I got some scissors to cut it, and I got in big trouble for it.
-I hated the Pokemon card ban. I swear, you might as bring pot to school while you're at it. Like I can understand not bringing it to class, but kids should be allowed to bring it to campus.
-I hated pep rallies. I thought they were totally pointless, with a lot of noise and pointless shenanigans. I would feign a headache and go to the nurse before I went to high school. I think she knew what I was up to, but accepted it anyway.
-One time, a kid punched me in the face because I took the quarter he kept flinging on me.
-One time I got in trouble for supposedly writing a hit list with other students names on it. I never did, and I got written up without my story being heard until later.
-I hated how mean my classmates were to me. They would find a way to bully me. One time, a substitute wanted to write a good note even though they were getting under my skin.
-Speaking off, they would hate me because I believed in evolution, sympathize with the LGBTQ, and since I was autistic, they would hate my unusual behaviors.
-I hate standardize tests, and I think they are a waste of both the student's and the teacher's time. Imagine being in an advanced class, just to dumb it down for the test.
-I hated how we had to pay for the prom even when we were not going. For God's sake, just adjust ticket prices.
This was a near-exhaustive list that I tried to put in near sequential order, but perhaps you have some things you hated about school now or way-back-when.
Here's my list.
-I hated how loud fire drills when I was in small school. I remember one time, they made a fire prop that creeped me out as a kid.
- I hated this one time, we had to take a test based on notes we took during a small short we watched in music school. If we got x amount right or higher, the teacher said we were ready for college. If we got lower than that, we were not ready for college. I never remember doing anything like this for college.
-I hated how unnecessarily upset teachers some times get at petty things. One time, I was trying to write a paper, and I erased at the same place on the paper so many times, that it got muddied. I got some scissors to cut it, and I got in big trouble for it.
-I hated the Pokemon card ban. I swear, you might as bring pot to school while you're at it. Like I can understand not bringing it to class, but kids should be allowed to bring it to campus.
-I hated pep rallies. I thought they were totally pointless, with a lot of noise and pointless shenanigans. I would feign a headache and go to the nurse before I went to high school. I think she knew what I was up to, but accepted it anyway.
-One time, a kid punched me in the face because I took the quarter he kept flinging on me.
-One time I got in trouble for supposedly writing a hit list with other students names on it. I never did, and I got written up without my story being heard until later.
-I hated how mean my classmates were to me. They would find a way to bully me. One time, a substitute wanted to write a good note even though they were getting under my skin.
-Speaking off, they would hate me because I believed in evolution, sympathize with the LGBTQ, and since I was autistic, they would hate my unusual behaviors.
-I hate standardize tests, and I think they are a waste of both the student's and the teacher's time. Imagine being in an advanced class, just to dumb it down for the test.
-I hated how we had to pay for the prom even when we were not going. For God's sake, just adjust ticket prices.
This was a near-exhaustive list that I tried to put in near sequential order, but perhaps you have some things you hated about school now or way-back-when.