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Third Counterpart?

Lord Scalgon

What title?
Well, I'd place this in the D/P section, but I doubt they'll approve this, so I'll pretty much have to post it here (feel free to move this thread if I posted this thread in the wrong section). Anyway, excluding FR/LG, R/B has Yellow, G/S has Crystal, R/S has Emerald...

D/P - ??? (I'm certain that Giradina (Giratina?) will represent that 3rd counterpart.

Anyway, what do you think?


Main screen turn on!
Serebii said it would probably be called Girasol or Opal Version.


^yeah true

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
It will probably be either Aruseus or Giritina, with Giritina being the likelier of the two.


Tails the Bouyzel
Opal or Obsidian. I'm sure of it
Giradina on the front probably, like Rayquaza and it might be called something like Pokemon:Opal Version or Pokemon:Amethyst version, or something..


Well-Known Member
Well Coronis said that Giradina is named after Girasol (a green opal) so I'm pretty sure it'll be Opal version


Flame Trainer
Well Coronis said that Giradina is named after Girasol (a green opal) so I'm pretty sure it'll be Opal version

Yeah, I read that too. Besides, Giradina has the exact same level up moves as Diaruga and Parukia except for, like, 1 or 2. That right there says that it's the 3rd member.

On a similar topic: I read that Diaruga and Parukia are parts of Aruseus...So I guess Giradina is Aruseus' evil side or...like Hades or something, where Diaruga controls Time, Parukia Space, so I guess Giradina controls the underworld or something. That's kinda cool...
I expect Opal~

Giradina is of many colours, so it fits.

and hence, I expect giradina to be the featuring pokemon~

Palkia - Space
Dialga - Time

Giradina - Chaos If the other two are indeed parts of aruseus, then it would make sense that giradina is his demonic mirror. thus, chaos or "rebellion" as it is in the 'dex, would make sense.

It would also suggest this is the last batch of pokemon, unless in the 5th gen they make the 2 halves of giradina~


Burn bright & strong
Giradina is going to be the third counterpart but i wonder how will the story be like?


Leave my posts alone
Giratina is the "Mewtwo" of DP as it is in a cave full of wild tough Pokemon.

It is possible that it named after Girasol, or Opal. The Fire Opal is of relative closeness to the colours of Giratina.

It's Ghost typing, refers to it not been of this world, aka, another dimension. :O

On a side note: It's kinda interesting to note that "Pearl" is the only non-precious gem out of R/S/E and Diamond.
I always think the version would be called Garnet version. It's a cool name. And it's a gemstone that starts with G, like Giritina, which would be the main legendary.

What about FR/LG? It should have something like OceanBlue...


Well-Known Member
I'm positive that it will be Giradina and Opal version but Giradina isnt in the "Sinnoh dex" which might cause some problems. Hmm maybe they'll pull a Crystal and use one of the Trio


The new tuxedo look!
I think It'll be giratina with opal version, as said by Coronis.