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Third Regi?


Yukimenoko Rox!!
Well, I'm just wondering if the third regi is the hardest to recruit, or you have to do something.

I recruited Regice and Registeel a while ago. They were quick and easy, got 'em both in the same dungeon run.

Since then (yesterday) I have been trying non-stop to get Regirock! He is just not joining me! I am a level 70 (just turned before last dungeon run) Blaziken, holding the Friend Bow, and still to no avail!

Right after I exit Regirock's room, I use an Escape Orb to get outta there, and luckily I have been finding one or two before I get to his room.

I'm carrying the Music Box, and it helped me get the other two.
The Regi's are by far my favorite pokemon, and I want them badly.

Can anyone help me nab Regirock?


< That's me! Hello!
Try leveling up more or get rid of the music box (if you have mew, if not then don't do this) and get rock parts to improve your chances. Other than that just level up more.
Well no one can actually help NAB Regirock for you. My advice is just keep trying. You will get him sooooooooooooooonnnnn. I still havent gotten him either...... :( XD


Yukimenoko Rox!!
Try leveling up more or get rid of the music box (if you have mew, if not then don't do this) and get rock parts to improve your chances. Other than that just level up more.

got him!!! :):):) - sorry for the double post!

so happy! I deposited my music box then went and got a rock parts and then returned.

this time i had my music box and the rock parts! bing bang boom.

now i will start to create the incredible regi team! thanks charziken for tellin me to go get the rock parts.