Yukimenoko Rox!!
Well, I'm just wondering if the third regi is the hardest to recruit, or you have to do something.
I recruited Regice and Registeel a while ago. They were quick and easy, got 'em both in the same dungeon run.
Since then (yesterday) I have been trying non-stop to get Regirock! He is just not joining me! I am a level 70 (just turned before last dungeon run) Blaziken, holding the Friend Bow, and still to no avail!
Right after I exit Regirock's room, I use an Escape Orb to get outta there, and luckily I have been finding one or two before I get to his room.
I'm carrying the Music Box, and it helped me get the other two.
The Regi's are by far my favorite pokemon, and I want them badly.
Can anyone help me nab Regirock?
I recruited Regice and Registeel a while ago. They were quick and easy, got 'em both in the same dungeon run.
Since then (yesterday) I have been trying non-stop to get Regirock! He is just not joining me! I am a level 70 (just turned before last dungeon run) Blaziken, holding the Friend Bow, and still to no avail!
Right after I exit Regirock's room, I use an Escape Orb to get outta there, and luckily I have been finding one or two before I get to his room.
I'm carrying the Music Box, and it helped me get the other two.
The Regi's are by far my favorite pokemon, and I want them badly.
Can anyone help me nab Regirock?