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This guy is stupid...

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gamecube suxxx the graphics suck the processer is twice as slow as the xbox the rumble feature is the same the whole time if a bomb goes off on a game on the g*ycube the rumble feature is the same as if u were shooting someone beleive me my stupid brother wasted 150 dollars on a g*ycube and i have played it i dont really know why but i think i was bored xbox is a lot better FACE IT NOBODY WITHIN THE RIGHT MIND LIKES A G*YCUBE FACE IT IDIOT U CANT PLAY CDS OR DVDS ON IT FACE IT *SSHOLES

How should we torture him?

Hao Kaiser

Aww... Crap.
I smell a ban...

EDIT: Aw...crap. Sorry, I didn't relise that you were quoting someone. Please accept my apologie.

Anyways...That guy wasn't really coprehendable, so, we can just sit a laugh at his lack of smart(?) HaHAHa
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Monkey Dragon
That first part was misleading, I didn't realize you were quoting... But, for the torture, I suggest something in the area of gunfire...

Thunder Child

Dedicated Trainer
The guy's a complete and utter hateboy retard.
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Kasumi Christie

Kate! *Clings*
Like a few others, your post misled me, i didn't know you were quoting someone.. *sweatdrops*

Anyways that guy isn't too bright, his wording says it all. I happen to own a Gamecube myself, and i think they're fine. -But who actually cares about this guy!? Just ignore him, no offense meant, but it's pretty spammy starting this thread. o.o;


Ignore them. It's always the best thing to do. Either that or correct the insane amount total incorrectness in the post. The sad thing is though, there's people that talk about consoles like that on this board. Especially the Xbox and PSP, which both get a disturbing amount of hate.

Not much you can do though, until somebody invents a machine that lets us stab people through the internet.

Poke Freak

*looks in a crossword puzzle* Let's see, a 6 letter word for a moron that can't spell to save his life that starts with F... that's an easy one, fanboy!

Eh, fanboys (or fangirls, but generally fanboys) don't know stuff like logic, reasoning, proof, spelling, ect. ect. and as a most part that best thing to do is ignore 'em completly, trust me.
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Meteor Trainer
*Reads quote*

That is reinforcing what I see about anti-Nintendo beliefs: They're all based on ignorance.

1: The rumble is the same? Why does that even matter? Besides, it's not even true. Play SSBM and see all of the different types of rumbles you get.

2: The processor is the fastest out of this generation. 'nuff said.

3: The graphical power may be the worse, but thanks to the processor, it's never bottlenecked. I'm not sure, but I believe the CPU is the reason that the graphics are good.

4: About the CD's and DVD's... insulting a Gaming machine because all it does is play games is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard said.

People like the one you are quoting are what keeps me from wanting a PS2, XBOX, PSP, or other next-gen system other than Rev. I don't want to be among the ranks of people like them.

Aipom Kong

Noob language or just some Xbox nerd who just hates the Gamecube since the consolle is worse but the games are 100 times as much fun as the Xbox.


Flannigan's Ball
ShiningClefairy said:

3: The graphical power may be the worse, but thanks to the processor, it's never bottlenecked. I'm not sure, but I believe the CPU is the reason that the graphics are good.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the GameCube is the second most powerful machine, graphics wise. I mean, look at Resident Evil Zero, it looks nearly as good as FFX's cinemas...


Flannigan's Ball
The thing about rumbling doesn't really matter to me. I use a WaveBird controller, and it doesn't rumble anyway.


*Insert Usertitle*
Who cares? >> The person is obviously can't stop licking his precious X-Box to know the joys of other systems. And damn I thought people stop using that lame CD/DVD excuse. So? You have to buy some completely other device to play DVD's on X-Box anyway. I hate playing DVD's on video game systems anyway.

X-Box and Gamecube are both really good systems, I'm more of a fan of Gamecube though, for I like the games better. The Gamecube graphics are amazing as is. Not to mention next-gen is soon so in a bit its going to be Revolution vs. 360. >> But meh, don't listean or get p**ed off guys, its food for the morons when you do. =O


Therunemaster said:
gamecube suxxx the graphics suck the processer is twice as slow as the xbox the rumble feature is the same the whole time if a bomb goes off on a game on the g*ycube the rumble feature is the same as if u were shooting someone beleive me my stupid brother wasted 150 dollars on a g*ycube and i have played it i dont really know why but i think i was bored xbox is a lot better FACE IT NOBODY WITHIN THE RIGHT MIND LIKES A G*YCUBE FACE IT IDIOT U CANT PLAY CDS OR DVDS ON IT FACE IT *SSHOLES

How should we torture him?
There are many ways. I don't want to say anything, because I'd get banned two seconds after.


People like this make me laugh. Kinda like my friend who is obsessed with the PSP and hates the DS saying it is stupid. I find funny how people have the dumbest reasons for liking something.
The PSP can play DVDs
Um no? It plays UMDs. Dur.

It still plays movies
Would you really be willing to sit there holding it up for hours just looking at it? THe battery life could really f you up if you don't notice you have very little left.

It has PS2 graphics
PS1.5 is more like it. The small screen makes it look better.

What are you going to do with a touch screen?
A lot of things. Strategy games (Advance Wars), FPSs (Metroid Hunters), Puzzle games (Meteos, Polarium), other random things you can't do on other systems (Nintendogs).

The DS games suck. None of them are good.
Meteos, K:CC, SM64DS, Nanostray, Nintendogs, Advance Wars DS, Feel the Magic. Now name 7 games for the PSP that are good.
Grand Theft Auto...
Not out yet.
Umm... (Actually I can't think of any other games for it myself =P They usually say Grand Theft Auto though, except for the smarter ones. Wipeout Pure looks sweet though.)

It can play MP3s
I'll settle with my CD player for now.

Funny people they are. One kid told me he had reserved GTA for the PSP back in November. Wtf?


WhiteScizor said:
People like this make me laugh. Kinda like my friend who is obsessed with the PSP and hates the DS saying it is stupid. I find funny how people have the dumbest reasons for liking something.
The PSP can play DVDs
Um no? It plays UMDs. Dur.

It still plays movies
Would you really be willing to sit there holding it up for hours just looking at it? THe battery life could really f you up if you don't notice you have very little left.

It has PS2 graphics
PS1.5 is more like it. The small screen makes it look better.

What are you going to do with a touch screen?
A lot of things. Strategy games (Advance Wars), FPSs (Metroid Hunters), Puzzle games (Meteos, Polarium), other random things you can't do on other systems (Nintendogs).

The DS games suck. None of them are good.
Meteos, K:CC, SM64DS, Nanostray, Nintendogs, Advance Wars DS, Feel the Magic. Now name 7 games for the PSP that are good.
Grand Theft Auto...
Not out yet.
Umm... (Actually I can't think of any other games for it myself =P They usually say Grand Theft Auto though, except for the smarter ones. Wipeout Pure looks sweet though.)

It can play MP3s
I'll settle with my CD player for now.

Funny people they are. One kid told me he had reserved GTA for the PSP back in November. Wtf?

Wow. just wow. That is so true...




Therunemaster said:
gamecube suxxx the graphics suck the processer is twice as slow as the xbox the rumble feature is the same the whole time if a bomb goes off on a game on the g*ycube the rumble feature is the same as if u were shooting someone beleive me my stupid brother wasted 150 dollars on a g*ycube and i have played it i dont really know why but i think i was bored xbox is a lot better FACE IT NOBODY WITHIN THE RIGHT MIND LIKES A G*YCUBE FACE IT IDIOT U CANT PLAY CDS OR DVDS ON IT FACE IT *SSHOLES

How should we torture him?

Ignorance is consistant, one cannot expect to shift other people's views easily. Wouldn't our society be great without peer pressure and sterotypes? Anyway tell them to barrel roll, destroy metroids, jump on a lot of goombas, journey through Hyrule and catch 'em all.


*Insert Usertitle*
I personally perfer the DS over PSP and seen those arguments against the DS as above but in all honest DS vs. PSP is annoying no matter what side who is on. >>

Back on the Gamecube topic. People who think we are dumb for getting it, lets look at it this way, some of the most popular games are Nintendo exclusive. Mario games, Zelda games, Metroid games, Kirby games, Star Fox games, F-Zero games, Fire Emblem games, Donkey Kong games, Pokemon games, and the list goes on. Even other games like Sonic, some of the Sonic games are Gamecube exclusive. Also Super Smash Bros. Nintendo has a lot of popular series you can't get on any other system. Some personal favorites too. ^_^


Super Gamer
These jackass Sony fans need to stop getting jelous of Nintendo games. We all know that Nintendo games are fun and awesome and we know that Nintendo creates alot of their own games - PS2 games -"OMG, lets steal cars - that is so fun!"[/sarcasm] More like repetitive...

That guy can't even form a sentence that makes sense. He is a jackass. Dumbass doesn't even know how to use punctuation either. They really need to get over themselves - its probably some immature Middle Schooler (No offense to the Mature MS's out there) But this idiot really needs to get a life and stop whining like a little *****.

Nintendo is better than Sony solely because they focus on games[and they make their own too] They don't focus on other crap such as DVD Players for a Handheld or MP3's that aren't needed. Hell - I wouldn't want to stare at a small screen for 2 hours or more - thats what Portable DVD Players & Laptops are for - duh. and I can just use an IPOD that holds thousands of songs to listen to.

What if I wanted to listen to different music & play the game at the same time...what are you gonna do? :p

And screw having to buy those Memory Stick things - its ridiculous what they charge for them - $50 o_O; - talk about ridiculous.

Name 5 good games for the PSP - none - wow, omg - Wipeout![/sarcasm]
Name 5 good games for the DS - Advance Wars, Nintendogs, Meteos, Kirby Canvas Curse, hell - even Wario Ware Touched! was good.

And it's totally obvious that the DS has sold more than the PSP all over the world. Just look at the figures - besides. People say DS sucks just because its better than the PSP - they don't have any proof that it sucks - their only excuse is "Atleast PSP had several games at its release" - that doesn't prove that the DS sucks now does it?

Nintendo said the DS was an experiment - and thats why they released it with only a few titles - so if it bombed - they wouldn't have wasted all of that money on the games. Well since its a success - there are tons of games coming out this year. There are atleast 10 more DS games coming out this year that I want - cuzz they look so awesome!

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Sea Ruby Trainer
ShiningClefairy said:
People like the one you are quoting are what keeps me from wanting a PS2, XBOX, PSP, or other next-gen system other than Rev. I don't want to be among the ranks of people like them.
I feel the same way.
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