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This is gettting frustrating :/

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Pippi! Pi!
Since the last few days, every time I left the forum and came back, I was always logged off. Yes, I did set the thing on to Remember Me, and no, I never deletd any cookies. Is this a bug, or is it just my computer? And is there any way to fix this?

Do you use Internet Explorer, Firefox, or something else?

If you're using Firefox, have you downloaded the newest version?


true love
I'd think it was most likely your browser. If you have other browsers like Firefox or Opera, you could try to use them for a while and see what happens. If not, you could download one of those and see what happens from there on.

If not, maybe a bug, maybe your browser.
the strangest thing is, its happening to me too. First it was I tried to log in and it wouldn't let me, it said Welcome Darkrukario directing.... and then when it directed me, I was signed off. Now its if I close the page, and go back on I'm signed off, and my remember me button is on. It wont work for me.


Flame Trainer
Yeah, the exact same thing is happening to me. I'm using Firefox...so using the newest version might fix it? Cuz it just started happening like yesterday or something...
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