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This is stupid.......

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Active Member
How come none of the pokemon i wanna breed like ditto? it sux


Back I guess??
The only Pokémon that can´t bree with Ditto are:

Everything else can

Pokémon will not breed when you read the message:
Your Pokémon prefer to play with other Pokémon than eachother...

Something like that >_<


I said, Bring It ON!

The Thunderbird

Dreams come true
Unown are also unable to breed with Ditto, I tried. Other Ditto cannot breed with Ditto either.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
Unown is unable to breed with Ditto, because there are so many different forms of Unown.


Belgian Waffles!!!
If it says "they don't seem to get along", they will still breed, if it says "They prefer to play with the other pokemon" they won't breed at all.


Active Member
I put two pokemon of the same egg group together. The problem is that they won't breed. What is going on?

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
What does the breeder say?


Pyro Trainer
you just need to walk around a bit longer, thats all. I'm too lazy to do all that, so I normally just plan ahead on who breeds with who.


The Master...
different trainer id boosts mating
but instea of ditto go for egg moves they will help(got me a crunch treecko) they are worth the hard work trust me
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