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This message keeps popping up lately

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Okay, I keep getting this message that keeps popping up lately, but it usually seems to pop up when I am playing Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, here what the message said.

(Not the big white text at the tiop[, the one in its own box)

Edit: Also when I say Don't send, I can still get into GTA and resume the game, but I just want to know what does it mean?

There another message that always appears but I haven't got an image of it to show you what it says.
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DJ 9-Volt

Hoping to get a Wii!
your graphics card visual processing unit has stopped responding to commands, it seems like whatever you are trying to run is causing that to happen.

ati takes that info that you send and uses it to make bug fixes and what not.

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Um Windows XP (That' what you meant right?)

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Um, I am not sure really, I got it from Harvey Norman if that helps


Well-Known Member
Easy way to find out what card you have:

Go to the Start Menu, then click on Run, then type in dxdiag and hit enter. Then go to the display tab and under device you will find what you're looking for (I had to do that on my dad's pc Monday so I could see if he could run CoD 1).

Willow's Tara

The Bewitched
Well at the corner of the computer (The screen, not on the screen but the black part that surrods it) it says NEC, would that be a company logo?