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This never happened befor


Volcano Trainer
I tried to save on my Emerald game but then something came up and said it failed.Then I started a new game then tried agin but the same thing happened then this message came up:The backup memory is damaged,or the internal battery has run dry.You can still play,but not save.Should I buy another one?


my ultimate espeon!
damn i think u shud get a refund or get a new one man pokemon games last u a very long time check tis ouit i have 4 gb apokemon games and 2 gcn ones and i hav only properly one hundred percent clocked pokemon colloseum thst 1/6 damn lol


Well-Known Member
Nah, not unless you care about berries, tv events, or snorunt, I suggest gettign a new battery


my ultimate espeon!
ur choiced dude


After like three weeks. It doesn't really matter unless you care about bases, berries, or anything of time related sort.


Active Member
what if his game is a fake
if you send it to nintendo and had it fixed, would the savefile and everything else still be the same or will you have to like start a new game??


You should call nintendo and ask them about it.


Onions? Where??
buy a new one or send it back with angry letter


Powerplay Champion
Nintendo has absoloutely fantastic customer service... they'll walk you through the process,
and probably tell you to send it in or go to a nintendo repair center in your area.