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This sucks...


My Houndour has a Rash nature, which raises special attack (good) and lowers special defense (bad). Is there any way I can work off this nature? Maybe like EV training it in Special Def. or something?



It doesn’t matter. Houndoom’s HP and defenses don’t matter because you don’t want it to take hits. It’s a hit-and-run type of Pokémon. Rash nature is fine, so just give it 252 SAtk /252 Spd /4 HP.


so adorable...
yeh it doesnt matter as long as it isnt a nature that plusses special defence and - special attack or something, if you want a moveset how about this

-sunny day
-solar beam

i know it isnt the best but it works, with sunny day bossting flame thrower and solar beam, and crunch with stab its alright


Well-Known Member
That moveset looks good on paper, its just i find that Houndoom doesn't really have the defences to pull off a Sunny Day. Try:

Houndoom@ Leftovers

Pursuit/HP Grass (You can dream..)

....sits twiddling thumbs and waiting for houndoom to learn another decent special move.....please?....