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three fakemon starters

which pokemon is better

  • fire

    Votes: 4 11.8%
  • water

    Votes: 23 67.6%
  • grass

    Votes: 7 20.6%

  • Total voters


I created SPINXOR
I have made up my own starters ;424;





and fire;392;


can somebody please make me sprites


Ranger Boy
OMG, ur the guy from the digi port. That one noob that stole my avatar and name! I think that you should try getting a scanner. Not to burst your bubble or anything, your drawings arn't realy that great. If you took more than 10 minutes on your drawings I think you could do better. Honestly, all I have to say is try harder.


Sometimes a bit rude
Meh, the only good one is the water one, I might even draw one for myself ^^ The other two are horrible though.


I created SPINXOR
I have decided that the names of the starters will be woofgras (grass) burntred (fire) and isebeke (water) and to add, woofgras's body is supposed to be thin

Wild Cherry

Magma Commander
Not to be harsh or anything, but they all sort of suck. If you took your time you could make them a little decent.


I created SPINXOR
Im sorry for double-posting but today I will be posting the evolutions of isebeke and the three starters colored.;munchlax;


I created SPINXOR
it's been a while, I have remade the three starters. here are their shadows


order:grass, fire, and water

names: Grass Hoppel, the grass toad pokemon
fire Burnta, the firedancer pokemon
water Isebeek, the icecap pokemon
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Stop trying to be smart and mysterious for your pokemon.
Just show them and stop acting like a fool.

Your originals are pathetic and crap, gah what is it with people like you :x


They aren't really that great, not to be mean or anything. The last two are too blurred and I can't tell what they are.


I created SPINXOR
well, it doesnt matter anymore, cause they arent the starters anymore.the true, final starters will be revealed in two days


Grovyle = AWESOME!
OMG, ur the guy from the digi port. That one noob that stole my avatar and name! I think that you should try getting a scanner. Not to burst your bubble or anything, your drawings arn't realy that great. If you took more than 10 minutes on your drawings I think you could do better. Honestly, all I have to say is try harder.
Come on guys not ervery body can amazing artists,You keep drawing you'll get better in time.I think there cute ^_^

I did'nt have scannner not every body has the money for one >=(


I created SPINXOR
very very sorry for double-posting but the moment has come, the three new pokemon starters!!!

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Mmm.. Twix...
very very sorry for double-posting but the moment has come, the three new pokemon starters!!!


Ahem... Yes, well, these are somewhat better.... The fire starter is still somewhat "naughty"