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Three Numbers

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Crystal Walrein

This thread has been authorised by PsiUmbreon.

Three numbers will be provided in the commencing post. The objective is to use those three numbers and try to think of something that those numbers apply to.

For example, if the above poster puts 10, 5, and 2, the following poster may respond '10: Years until I graduate from college, 5: Age of my brother, 2: Number of concerts I ever went to'.

We'll start with: 20, 12, 6

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
20 years of good luck
12 My age
6 When I first started watching Pokemon

Total Shadow

20: 11 years away from my age.
12: How old my brother will be on his birthday.
6: My second youngest cousin's age.

Celebi Metallix

20:Level of my highest level Pokemon on my restarted Gold
12:pokedex entries in my restarted Red
6:Level below Caterpie evolves


20: number of the NASCAR Nextel Cup championship this year
12: My age
6: number of threads I've subscribed to


20: Number of age i will be in 8 years later
12: Meh age
6: Number age when i was in grade 1
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