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Yeah sry to be annoying, but i need 1. Im only lvl 43 and 32 and really need 1 so i can evolve my pika-dude. Ill pay Whoever helps me back. Pm me when you die in an EASY dungeon, with the sos code. TY ;026; > ;025;
Well...the only place I've ever found them is in Lightning Field...I've never found one elsewhere...
Can you get there yet? If not I don't know what to tell you.
I cant go there..... not good enuff. Yeah you find it in there but i want some1 to die with it in tiny woods so i can rescue them and get it as a reward, then pay them back later
Hmmm...that might be hard...most people who'd have one won't die in an easy dungeon at all...
I'd say to just train a bit more until you can go there...probably be less annoying in the long run...especially since the training will help you greatly in other later dungeons.