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Thunderbolt Lanturn.


UofM Varsity Pokemon
I'm playing my Gold version. and I was glancing over some things on gamefaqs.com, and as I was looking it over, I realized hey! Lanturn doesn't learn T bolt on its own! and T bolt isn't one of its egg moves!!! so the question I pose, is there anyway to get T bolt lanturn if I don't own crystal? or am I just going to have to settle for thundor?


Bad and Nationwide
I think your stuck with thunder, not to worry - rain dance + thunder is awesome.


Staff member
For you, there is no way to get Thunderbolt on Lanturn, sorry. However, if you owned Crystal, you could get it. On Sundays (I think. It might be Saturdays), and man comes into the Goldenrod Dept. Store (Again, I'm not sure, but I think it' either that or the Game Corner) and allows you to teach a Pokemon Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, or Icebeam, if eligible, for 4000 coins (I'm still not sure of that, but I think it is, and that would mean he's most likely in the Gamecorner). Sorry about all the things I'm not sure about, it's been awhile since I played Crystal.


yup that does kinda feel like crud...but rain dance + thunder IS awesome..


Well-Known Member
I am sorry to say that Lanturn doesnt learn Thunderbolt.I highly recommend to use Rain Dance and Thunder combo.It works great.I know,I think Lanturn should of been able to learn Thunderbolt though.


I think its pretty stupid how lantern can't learn thunderbolt, after all it distinctly says that its an electric type


Well-Known Member
Use the Rain Dance + Thunder combo, it's good enough ingame. Plus, Rain Dance also powers up water moves, which is your other type. Slap on Thunder Wave or Confuse Ray as your last move, and you're good. Btw I don't think Lanturne can learn ice moves in the second generation, correct me if I'm wrong though.
Like what everyone else said Thunder/Raindance does charms because it raises the accuracy of thunder. Now its now at 100% and I think it gets stronger by 10%

;003;Dark Venusaur;003;


i think that there isnt a need of letting lanturn learn thunderbolt...thunder and rain dance is a great combo,like what they said...


breathe, spit, walk
True, it's a good ingame combo, so it will work fine.

even though I would probably recommend tbolt on NB.

Also I think this whole topic is going to be spammed with "use the thunderdancing combo" plzkthx so if you have got anything to say that fits my description don't post please.

Also Thunder does NOT gain any power, just accuracy.


Lanturn can only learn Thunderbolt only in Crystal by the Move Tutor at Golden Rod Casino but I 'd suggest you the Rain Dance+Thunder combo.And you would have more power at water moves because of Rain Dance, too.