, you noticed that the characters can shoot energy blasts, and the mayor of one town is a Dog?
Actually the Dog is the King of the world.
Chaotzu is a freak of nature who was never really explained. He was pretty useless, he had no reason to return after Dragonball ended.
Exactly. Not the best choice for source of information as the Daizenshuu even claim that Tenshinhan is an alien, when he clearly isn't.As for Chouzu...well...according to Tenkaichi he is based on a Japanese vampire, although this is the same source that stated Tien was from alien desent, when Toriyama himself states that Tien opened his third eye through enlightening his spirit.
Pretty accurate considering his supposed "wife" in the third movie was as stiff and looked like one.Chouzu's more likely based off a china doll. Kuririn's stayed fairly short throughout his lifetime too, so chances are Chouzu's similar in his genetic structure.
Bingo.The honest answer is, no one really knows, because Chouzu's got a crappy part, and Toriyama never reveals backstory in anything but his interviews.
Didn't have much of an effect on anything, especially since he's beaten by Tao Pai Pai in the next tournament, blows himself up on Nappa, and trains with Kaio-sama only to never fight in the series' again.He wasn't totally useless, he served a small role as a rival for Krillin.