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Time for Another o.o


If you're windering who that is, that's my friend. She told me to use her pic for a sig. And I..did o.o

Well, you may thinkit has "no color" or "it's plain" well, then you obviously don't get the point of it.
It doesn't look plain to me. It looks really nice to tell you the truth! The effects you used are really nice....if you even used any because that's what it looks like to me. o.o; The text is a bit hard to read though. Overall rating from me: 9.5


Mayness Yayness!
Does your friend go on the ONM forums? I regonise the pic.....

Umi Mizuno

☠ one girl army
Desaturated banners are one of the best, and you did a great job on it! The only thing I find a little messy is that her picture is a little blurred.
Onpu - Thanks, the text is supposed to be blurred, it removes the focal point if it was visible.

eevee-me - Um, no, she's not the forum kind of person xD

Umi Mizuno - Yeah, it's supposed to be blurry, I messed with A LOT of filters to get that effect ;D