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Time it took you to beat the E4?


Just wondering how long it took you all, and reasons why it took so long or if you got it done real quick...for me it took 27:07, but I took my time, and had 87 Pokemon by the time I beat the Elite 4. So just state the time it took and how many Pokemon you had at that time, if you remember


Tails the Bouyzel
10:12 67 pokes at the time. I used Pidgeot, Charizard, Arcticuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Dragonair.

Yea, I wizzed right though.

Emerald Metagross

Well-Known Member
It took me 31:54 with 98 pokémon on the pokédex. I just went nuts and caught every pokémon I saw. Also, I was training for EV's. That's why it took so long.
I don't remember, but I did everything possible that you could do before the E4 before I battled them, all I remember was that I pwned them so fast


Well-Known Member
26:31 last time becuse I collected all 60 pokemon for the national dex before e4.


Well-Known Member
It took me like 80:42 hr, 'cause I catched every Pokémon I saw (including legendaries) and trained them all up to lv 50.


Natsu no Maboroshi
8:12 Pretty quick, isn't it? :p. I traded my team from Emerald :)

Walking Contradiction

Feed Us a Fetus
49:05 IIRC. I caught every single species of Pokemon I saw and did a bit evolutions for the Pokedex. I always take my time playing through Pokemon games.

Leaf Red

Well-Known Member
41:58 , Yeah I know thats pretty slow but I did lots of training and Dex Filling before I took on the E4.


11:38 with 20 pokes. Just today. I have 2 lg's and I just get mewtwos and masterballs on one. I had articuno, blastoise, charizard, venusaur, raichu, and dragonite.


8:- my pokés to defeat them so fast : ;003; : lv 56
;131; : lv 40-45
;059; : lv 40-47
;125; : lv 45-50

this was my team for beating the elite 4 for beating them first
when the elite 4 had lv 60 and higher pokémon
my team was the same only venusaur had lv 64 an the others wher at lv 47-60


. . .
It took me 44:24:44. (hours/minutes/seconds.) I took my time. I spent a while trying to get 60 Pokemon, though. I never like catching a lot of Pokemon before beating a game.
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It took me around 24 hours or so. But once in LG I beat it in 8 hours, by trading my 2 pokemon to FR and level them up. I did that because I need to get Rock Slide for my Salamence.

Twilit Dragoon

*omnious thunderstorm*
Beat the Elite 4 at 9:01 using Charizard, Primape, Pidgeot, Lapras, Raichu and Nidoqueen. Had exactly 60 Pokemon in my Pokedex.