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Time Of Rising (PG-13) PREVIEW


Time Of Rising - PREVIEW

I've started work on my first fic that has actually had some effort put into it: Time Of Rising. The title is tentative for now, and I'll get a good title when I can actually think of one that isn't cliché, like the title I have now. But for now, here is part of what I have so far.

Orre. One of the largest regions in the pokémon world. Orre is so barren, that no pokémon can survive in the wilderness. Pokémon must be kept by official trainers, recognised by schools situated all around Orre. These schools were created due to the fact that the Orre government could not afford to import pokémon from other regions to shops around Orre. More than 200 students apply to be in schools per year, with only about 50 actually becoming qualified trainers. Once you apply, you can not apply again for 5 years and for most people, they'll find another career to follow in that time. The school year lasts approximately 6 months, with a few weeks for students to visit their families and have a vacation.

It was going to be Orbi's first day of Pokémon School. He was so eager to get started at the school and hopefully become a qualified Pokémon Trainer. His mother, Lucia insisted that he tidy himself up for his first day. Orbi was a regular teenager, with ripped and baggy clothing. He had shiny blue eyes and light brown, almost brown hair. Orbi wasn't too overweight, but he could lose a few pounds to become a great athlete.
Mom, I really don't think it matters what I wear," Orbi called down the house to his mother. The house that Orbi had lived in for the past 15 years was quite antique, with stained glass windows and wooden floors, Orbi didn't really mind the house, but his younger sister, Rena certainly did. The house sometimes creaked, due to it being old. Rena would often run into her parents' bed and sleep there for the night. She was only 4 years old, so she probably couldn't help it.
"Look, I just want you to look nice for your big day," Lucia hurridly spoke while running up the stairs to Orbi's bedroom.
Mom's always like that, panicking over nothing. Orbi thought to himself. He sighed and continued packing.
"Those pants fit you very well," Lucia told Orbi while staring at his Seviper skin trousers.
"...Mom..." Orbi groaned to his mother. He didn't like the pants and her staring at his crotch.
"Please Orbi, I don't want you looking silly for your first day of Pokémon School," his mother sighed. She realized that her son wasn't a child anymore and he could do things for himself.
"Can we just get in the car? I've finished packing and you've done whatever you need doing," Orbi was fed up with his mother and was happy to be leaving her. He missed it when there was no Rena and it was just him and Lucia and John, his father. That was a long time ago and puberty had made him start to dislike his parents in a way.
"Okay, let's get going."

It probably isn't the best intro, but most of the first chapter will be slow. Things will pick up around the start of the second chapter, but I'm still not entirely sure. But first I'd love your critique on this fic. If there's anything you'd like to improve upon, you're more than welcome to.
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