Jello Pokéballs
Titles, and the use of the 'Ø' letter
Since we have not talked about titles in a while I thought I would post a topic about it for everyone to share there views in. In you opinion what makes a good title for a story? How do you feel about one word titles?
Also, I was wondering about the use of the 'Ø' letter in titles lately, is that just meant to catch the readers eye? Is it spoken differently than a normal 'o'?
I'm just asking, because it seems like it is the new 'in' thing to do or something
*hee* Evolution Øf Fable...Nope, it does'nt fit well to me
Since we have not talked about titles in a while I thought I would post a topic about it for everyone to share there views in. In you opinion what makes a good title for a story? How do you feel about one word titles?
Also, I was wondering about the use of the 'Ø' letter in titles lately, is that just meant to catch the readers eye? Is it spoken differently than a normal 'o'?
I'm just asking, because it seems like it is the new 'in' thing to do or something
*hee* Evolution Øf Fable...Nope, it does'nt fit well to me
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