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Tmeline of games

RPG Maker

Lost Dreamer
We know all the games take place in the same world but at different times. Does anyone know when each game accord.

Like does R/B/Y take place at the same time as R/S/E followed by G/S/C then by D/P/?

R/B/Y/R/S/E --> G/S/C --> D/P/?
R/B/Y -->G/S/C -- R/S/E --> FR/LG --> D/P/?
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Eevee Trainer
Good question... I never really thought about that. RBY could come first, and then RSE, and then GSC, since all the characters in RBY seem to be older. DP would come last I guess, with Oak being on vacation or retired or whatever.

EDIT: Rank Up! Sabrina's badge is mine!


well I'm pretty sure r/s/e is at the sametime as fr/lg but I don't know about g/s/c

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I guess i've always thought of them as happening in the order they were released, except of course FRLG would come at the same time as RBY. Makes sense to me.


Well-Known Member
Here's what I think:
R/G/B/Y/Fr/Lg/R/S/E/Collo--three years-->G/S/C--two years-->XD--?? years-->D/P


Well-Known Member
Since we have no real evidence for games apart from GSC, I just assume that each game set takes place three years after the last one. So RBY -three years-> GSC -three years-> RSE -three years-> DP.


echospace obsessive
I think


meaning bothe the first and thrird gen are 3 years before GSC and i personally think DP is during the same times as GSC which is three years after RBY.


Well-Known Member

thats the timeline for the games the manga however is


So Zetta Slow!
I read something like this and he wrote that...
R/B/Y ---->>> G/S/C ---->>>D/P
he wrote that RBY/FRLG happened the same time as RSE and GSC followed then DP was next...I don't really know...hehehe


Leave my posts alone
G/S/C happens two years after the events of R/B/Y. Fr/Lg are just remakes, so they don't really count.

I say it goes in order they were released (generation wise)
1. R/B/Y
2. G/S/C
3. R/S/E
4. D/P


Well-Known Member
G/S/C happens two years after the events of R/B/Y. Fr/Lg are just remakes, so they don't really count.

I say it goes in order they were released (generation wise)
1. R/B/Y
2. G/S/C
3. R/S/E
4. D/P

Actually 3 years


Natsu no Maboroshi
G/S/C happens two years after the events of R/B/Y. Fr/Lg are just remakes, so they don't really count.

I say it goes in order they were released (generation wise)
1. R/B/Y
2. G/S/C
3. R/S/E
4. D/P

I agree. :p


Well-Known Member
It's actually pretty much confirmed in Fr/Lg that Fr/Lg and R/S/E take place in the same time period.
The only two games that I'm not sure where to place are Colloseum and XD.


Spoon Powah!
I always thought they all happened at the same time. Apart from G/S/C. That one happens a bit after.