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TMs...how do they work?

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Ichimaru Gin

In the FR/LG games, whenever you use a TM, it shows a CD being used on your Pokemon. How does it work? You just put the CD with the attack on the Pokemon's head and it just learns it?! How do TMs work?


TMs themselves are best left in the games, I remember in the Manga that a TM looks like a cube-shaped capsule that is filled with a special magic powder, you break the capsule and dump the powder on the pokemon's head, it instantly learns the move.

luckly, the anime opted to leave TMs out entirely and have pokemon take time to learn the attack via training and watching other pokemon use the move

either way, it's best left to the imagination how TMs work...
I always thought that it was a candy that taught your pokemon till FRLG. I guess you put the disk in the pokemons mouth and it disolves, and HMs dont disolve?


Hyper Coordinator
well in the anime.... pikachu learned iron tail through more like... move tutor... so there is kinda of a move tutor in the anime

anyways well i think it works like this... you shove a disk into ur pokemon, and then the disk goes into the pokemon's brain so now the pokemon knows that move.... well jsut a thought


Hyper Coordinator
well taht is what it looks like on FR/LG.... lol

well its more like touch the disk it learns it.... like in ZOE 2 jehuty gets zero shift... but gets a lot of pain through that... kinda like the same concept


Well-Known Member
In the game, it looks a lot like the Pokemon's scanning and "reading" the information on the disk like a machine reading software, and then inputs it into its consciousness. o.o;

Torena No Nazo

Wow is it really that hard to figure out? Even before people knew they were Cd format, there was always the "PLAYER booted up a TM!". "Booting" up is something, you know...Computery stuff!

The moves are contained on Cd's, which are then (Not seen, but most probably) implemented into the Pokemon's mind so they learn that move, probably via a cable into their Pokeball from an unseen device. Perhaps the Tm / Hm case itself.

Wrigley\'s Extra

Well you see, the complex algorithm of the TM itself is composed of a code that can be read via-pokemon through inter-mind brain transmissions. Once read the user pokemon\'s brain cells produce at a incredible rate to gain the technique. When the technique is fully learned, brain cell production returns to its normal frequency. But this questions how exactly the cells are producing at such rate. My hypothesis is that the TM itself is composed of radiatiants that alter the DNA base code causing a mutation, a positive mutation. This mutation speeds the brain cell production, but it only lasts until the ability is gained.

Or maybe it has to do with Buddha.

Wrigley\'s Extra

Red-Eyes Rider said:
Maybe it is technology similar to the machines used to make shadow pokemon.

Or maybe it\'s not technology similar to the machines used to make shadow Pokemon.

Ket Shi

Come on and SLAM!
In FR/LG, it looks like the trainer puts the disc near the Pokémon. The disc glows and apparently is absorbed in the Pokémon...
Weird, considering it's a CD-rom.


I liked the idea they used for the TCG. TMs and HMs were like a metal box, where you could put the Pokeball in, and teach the Pokemon the movie.

In FR/LG, it's pretty strange. XD Check the Pokesho topic, there's a comic about it which is funny there! XD


Oddish plzkthnxbai
This is how I always imagined it. You had a little remote control with a light on the end. At the base was a little opening in which you put the disc into. After that the trainer would place the light against the Pokémon's spine, (similar to a bar code scanner) and it transfered the data into the Pokémon's brain.

In the anime I remember Ash using a Tm(seismic toss) on Charizard to beat Blaine's Magmar.


Well-Known Member
I'll elaborate a little more on my previous post. A TM might have properties similar to the "mind controlling" shadow machines in how they substitute implanting the information of how to use an attack without learning it by physical means for corrupting a pokemon's mind. Does that clarify it a bit?

Some Calcium

Well, when I think of TM's, I always imagined the process of the Pokemon learning the move to be very technical. Lawl. It's probably more like an insert disk here type of thing. Uhm... or it could be magic.

Now that I think about it, insert disk here doesn't sound very pleasant. I hope for the Pokemon's sake that it is magic.


Eh, ragazzo!
You push the CD on top of the Pokemon's forehead so you could cram it with knowledge. LOL ^^

I always thought there was some kind of TM player that would send waves at your Pokemon so that they could learn the move.

Flying Tropius

Ever watch the matrix? how Neo learned Kung Fu yeah like that the computer links up and all wires are sticked on pokemon run the PC and it learns it

Torena No Nazo

Ehh...What you're all forgetting is that Tm's being shoved into the Pokemons head isn't actually how it really works. Think about it, do Potions and stuff work when they're shoved into a Pokemons body? I don't think so. It's just a short little animation showing that you've used the item. I doubt a Tm or Hm Cd would actually work by itself. It would need another device. That's why I think the data is downloaded into the PokeBall.
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