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To Play Rapidly Through Ruby

Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
I'm going to make an army of eggs to transfer over to Ruby to hatch into a death-squad easily able to roar through that game with little hindrance.

I'm not sure who exactly to use, honestly.

*Houndour is definitely in.
*Probably Eevee -> Vaporeon (trade over a water stone) for Surfing and Waterfall/Dive.
*Abra for psychic pwnage
*Onix, trade-evolved into Steelix, for strength and rock smash
*For a flier - I can't decide, honestly, and I need a good fighting-type.

I know this is vague, but any suggestions or ideas of replacements would be appreciated. Houndour stays no matter what, but if I can represent any HM but Cut, that'd be cool.

Oh, I have access to almost any Pokemon too - I need to play through to get Latias in Southern Island and a Deepseascale, fyi. :)

By the way, I have the Jirachi bonus disk that I can utilize as well, if need be.
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Well-Known Member
Don't use those pokemon as HM slaves. Use them as part of your actual team and then just use some crapy pokemon, like tentacool, as your HM slaves.


Battle-Dome trainer
as dark said use different pokemon for hm slaves because the pokemon you suggested have good potential and can get you through the e4 easily if you have emerald import those pokemon to that cartridge and you could easily get a few symbols oh and for a flying type why not try salamence he is great since he is dragon type as well but watch out for the 4x weakness to ice


Just trade in a level 100 from one of your other games and only give it attacking moves. So theres no possibility it won't kill the enemy if your pokemon listens to you.

Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
If I traded in a level 100, it'd never obey me. I tried.

I never thought of Heracross! That's a great idea.

And my problem with Salamence - is that I'm going to trade in new eggs so I won't have disobedience problems: Salamence doesn't grow wings till Level 50. I was thinking of a Pokemon that flies freshly-hatched. Maybe Swablu, who becomes Altaria at level 36.... hmmmm.

And yeah, I think I'd only have Surf and Fly in my mainteam. Cut isn't even needed, I can bump aruond blindly through Granite Cave eliminating Flash, Waterfall and Dive are situational - probably stick Strength on my fighting-type, and Rock Smash is a definite no-go. :)
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Well-Known Member
Can you get Aerodactyl that early in Ruby?

I'd suggest that if you wanted to fly.

Or Zubat - just force some TMs onto it and you'll be set.

Havoc Houndoom

Cascade Trainer
UnskilledBreed, my idea is to trade over Eggs with my team membres in them, to hatch them in Ruby so that they're native to that game, so I won't have problems with it. Aerodactyl isn't even IN Ruby - since Ruby has absolutely no trade restrictions, you can trade with any 3G game other than XD the moment you get the Pokedex.

Zubat can't learn Fly, btw.

So, we have
*Eevee, will Water Stone to Vaporeon
*Onix, will Metal Coat to Steelix
*Abra, bred with the elemental punches on it

How does that look?



He never asked for a Blaziken, so why are you suggesting a moveset?

Your team should do fine, Havoc.


i don't lose
in the generation that has the best starters to date, i'm not sure why you wouldn't want to use one of them. sceptile doesn't interfere with any types of your other members, and is generally good but might need breeding to be truly useful. swampert, however, is quite good through level up and ice beam via TM. can't really go wrong with any of them, but with such a great pokemon to start, it certainly could help. ive thought about doing that as well, i may try on my FR next week.


Natsu no Maboroshi
Fighting??...Maybe a Medicham