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To those that soft-reset and successfully encounter a shiny.

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Fatal Advent

<-- ....D:
*Points up* There is a shiny sticky in this forum. You're better off asking there, cause more people are there to answer it xD.
It really depends on luck my friend wanted a shiny moltres so when he began he got it on his second soft reset. So yeah depends on luck
Never happened to me yet, speaking of which, I should start shiny hunting again


oblivion weilder
i acidentally killed a articuno so i soft reset and it was shiny


Gen 6 = <3
My Rayquaza took 3218 SR's Latias took 334 SRs Latios took 739 SR and groudon so far I am at 6547 SR's (I am hunting it right now ) the shiny discution thread should help you out too.


Nothing of interest.
Just a few for Articuno. Porygon took me a month and Bulbasaur took me about 3 months and change.
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