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Today's GameFAQs Top Ten: Pokemon ranks #6!


The magic of Pokemon
Today's GameFAQs Top Ten of the day is top ten most immersive game worlds...and Pokemon ranks #6!

Here's why:

Pokemon's rank in said:
Love it or hate it, you just can't deny it- Pokemon created one of the most recognised universes in the history of videogames. If Sonic rightly bears the charge of exploiting the license after its smash-hit success, Pokemon must surely warrant the accusation of being intentionally created with dollar signs in mind. Not only does it play upon our in-grained sense of wanting to collect a complete set of everything, it then spreads that collection across two full-priced games. Regardless of this cynical evaluation, however, Pokemon certainly managed to create an immersive game univserse. The game world (even in the original release) was large, there were plenty of memorable characters, and the Pokemon themselves formed an impressive equivalent of real-life bio-diversity (to its credit never taking itself too seriously). Subsequent games have expanded the world, introduced new characters, and expanded the list of wildlife considerably. Not only that, but the much-maligned spin-off, Pokemon Snap, presented the indelible critters in their natural 3D habitat, and sent you on a sight-seeing quest that was enjoyable even for non-Pokemon fans (even I, the great cynic, enjoyed it!).

Some random article made by some random nub on a lame video game site put Pokemon at #6.



I own the 5th gen
lame? IMO, Gamefaqs is one of the best f***ing places to go for info on nearly every game in existance. Though, I do think the Top 10 lists they have are a bunch of bullcrap, especially since they're only composed by seemingly one person and obviously biased (one guy thought Sonic Mega Collection+ was the best game compilation out there, making it outrank Sonic Jam and Super Mario All-Stars. Talk about BS).

Blaze Dragon

T3h Blazing Ranger!
Well, that´s good.
But being the top-selling GB/GBC/GBA games, one would expect a higher rank


The new tuxedo look!
IMO, pokemon is no.1 game in the entire universe. And I'm serious.


Long time no see
Wow that is really good!!!!! i know that we all think that pokemon is the greatest, but that is because we live an breathe pokemon. But for a large voting scheme like that, well wow!!!!
im happy now :)


Time Lord Victorious
Why did you post this. People were posting their Top 10's for months now. If this was the first time that Pokemon was mentioned, it prooves how bad the game is.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
No. There are literally hundreds of games out there that have better controls, better story, better characters, more depth, better graphics, ect.
You don't have a right to tell people their opinion is wrong, so stop putting down other's personnal taste and leave them to enjoy their opinion in peace.
Only #6? This guy really must hate Pokemon.
Do you even realise how many games there are in the world? There are absolutely hundreds, probably even thousands, so its a miracle Pokemon even managed to rank that highly.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
How about YOU respect my opinion and let me state it.
Don't bother pulling the "you telling me I'm disrespectful of other people's opinions means you are being disrespectful of my opinon" card.
If you expect other people to respect your opinions, you should respect their opinions by not telling them their opinion is wrong.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I know I'm going to get flamed for this, seeing that this is a Pokémon board and all, but I'm glad that Metal Gear Solid and Silent Hill are higher than Pokémon in that list. =D *is lynched*

Still, these lists are always based on some individual's personal tastes or some GameFAQs poll where all the fanboys/girls turn it into a popularity contest where a Zelda or Final Fantasy always wins, so don't take them too seriously. ;)


The magic of Pokemon
I know, the so called character battles are rigged too.

I mainly wanted to post this to show that Pokemon is still a driving force in the game world, despite what some people think.

Valoc Darkmyre

Steel Type Hunter
I know, the so called character battles are rigged too.
Exactly; they're more about popularity than actual combat skills. About a week ago in the latest character battle, KOS-MOS, the bad*** android girl from the Xenosaga series who can turn her arms into blades and guns, lost to Aeris, some weak little flower girl from Final Fantasy VII who gets murdered by Sephiroth at the end of the first disc. How did this happen, you ask? It's all because there are more Final Fantasy fans than Xenosaga fans (seeing that VII was the first RPG and game for many people), and they see getting Aeris to make any progress in these little polls as revenge for her getting offed. If it was a REAL character battle, KOS-MOS would kill Aeris seven or eight times before she hits the ground. =/

wow, what was number 1?
Colony Wars for the Playstation, although regrettably I don't know much about it because I haven't played it, so I don't know how accurate its spot at the top is. ^_^;
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