The magic of Pokemon
Today's GameFAQs Top Ten of the day is top ten most immersive game worlds...and Pokemon ranks #6!
Here's why:
Here's why:
Pokemon's rank in said:Love it or hate it, you just can't deny it- Pokemon created one of the most recognised universes in the history of videogames. If Sonic rightly bears the charge of exploiting the license after its smash-hit success, Pokemon must surely warrant the accusation of being intentionally created with dollar signs in mind. Not only does it play upon our in-grained sense of wanting to collect a complete set of everything, it then spreads that collection across two full-priced games. Regardless of this cynical evaluation, however, Pokemon certainly managed to create an immersive game univserse. The game world (even in the original release) was large, there were plenty of memorable characters, and the Pokemon themselves formed an impressive equivalent of real-life bio-diversity (to its credit never taking itself too seriously). Subsequent games have expanded the world, introduced new characters, and expanded the list of wildlife considerably. Not only that, but the much-maligned spin-off, Pokemon Snap, presented the indelible critters in their natural 3D habitat, and sent you on a sight-seeing quest that was enjoyable even for non-Pokemon fans (even I, the great cynic, enjoyed it!).