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Togepi and Togetic =3

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Lamington Luffy

I'm gone, bye.
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Masquieran Chilli

i think it looks quite good but the togetic looks like its head is the facing the wrong way

Lamington Luffy

I'm gone, bye.
Erm, it's the back veiw of Togetic.... XD

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
Aw! They're adorable! ^_____^ <3
I wanna see Houndour and Houndoom!

Lamington Luffy

I'm gone, bye.
^read what I said before. T_T;;;

I'm going to draw Houndour and Houndoom tomorrow, because I've got homework.

EDIT: Here it is
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bored out of my wits
very interesting pics, i'll keep checking back every so often to admire artwork.


Chaotic Dreamer
The dogs one is very cute. You have a nice style. I also like the mew in your sig. ^^



The Togetic in your first pic looks fine to me. And I love the Houndour and Houndoom pic. Houndour's expression is cute and hilarious. Houndoom's my favorite. Great job! Maybe next you can draw Vulpix and Ninetails?

Fool's Hope

In God We Trust
The Houndour/Houdoom pic is awesome! ^__^ I looooooovew the Houdour. It's just so darn cute. ^.^

Master Ein

Awsome I like how you put the Pokemon allthough Togetic looks like it twisted it's neck ^^; hehe


true love
They're pretty good/decent, though I have some comments on them.

For Togepi and Togetic: It's really nice, though the head seems a bit.. awkward. I can tell it's the backview of Togetic, but I mean the.. bottom of its face/head? The chin seems a little pointy.. but maybe I just don't study Togetic as much. o_O

Houndour and Houndoom: Nice too, though I'll have to give more credits to Togepi and Togetic there. Houndoom's horns seem.. a bit.. I dunno.. And Houndour is leaning very forward, yet seemingly stable. Is that possible? And it looks aggressive, though that may be the point in the names. ;p

But all in all, that is not a flame. Very good work, including the backgrounds.. fitting into the Pokémon types/names/etc. Keep up the good work. ^^
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