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were do i get togepi i now that is in water pass,but in wich house.
my friend tell me that i need a pokemon to get togepi but i dont now if he is telling me the true,any ways how do i get togepi.;175;


Staff member
It isn't in any house, you get it in the Water Labyrinth on Five Island. When you get there, keep going left, and there will be a man on an island. Your first Pokemon in your party must have a very strong friendship with you in order to get it from him. Then, just walk around and wait for it to hatch.


Togepi - Five Island, Water Labyrinth. There's a Gentleman who gives you Togepi if your Pokémon are happy enough and if you have a free slot in your party. The gentleman is not in any house, the place where he waits is more like an isle.

Soul Suicune

You get an togepi egg from an old man. Remember to have 1 space left in your party, it wont go in the PC. You gotta surf from 5 Island Go up and then left. Follow the path which will lead you to a island and 'dats the island where you findthe old man so you can get the togepi egg. ^_^ Good luck on findin' it even tho it's not hard... -_-

Greek God

Glad you were helped Manuel, now for someone to close this topic.....


Obsessive Beader/Mod
^ Please PLEASE do not do that. Requesting a thread to be closed once it's answered, if you are NOT the topic creator, is spam. PM a mod, report the thread, or just wait for one of us to get online. >>;;

-Answered, closed
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