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Too far?


Scuffle of Legends
We all know Pokemon is fictional. I mean, it's monsters that use super powers, and people can capture them.

But Pokemon is usually a nice show that doesnt change too too much, nothing drastic.

But in late Battle Frontier, i think the anime went too far, and i thought it was stupidly unbelivable.

Ash gets possesed....?!!?!?!?
What the poop!
That doesn't seem very pokemon-like, and rather cheesey.
Groudon/Kyogre special
Control Freak

Possession is nothing new.


Ash and Pikachu were basically dead and in spirit form for that one episode back in season one. WTF are you complaining about?

And in the end, it's still only a cartoon. :/

-Penis Sucker-


Yeah, ok!
Ash gets possesed....?!!?!?!?
What the poop!
That doesn't seem very pokemon-like, and rather cheesey.

Ash got "seperated from his body" and turned into a ghost by Haunter in the Lavendar town episode, and you think Ash being possessed is "strange?"


Yeah, ok!
Too bad I can't use the, "my post was taking time to go through" excuse since my post was 14 minutes later than his.

Truthfully I didn't read any replies before I hit the post button, so go figure someone said what I in turn ended up saying better.


Vent's Theme

Pretty Dolls
Kojiro said:
The show involves a mouse that can shoot lighting.


Not only that, but, at some point, the main character has been transformed into one of the aforementioned creatures, so, double failed.


Contaminated KFC
If you think Ash getting possessed was taking things too far, I'd love to know what you thought about the twerps getting sucked into Larvitar's MIND and floating through a mess of scenarios that most certainly haunt the minds of crack users everywhere.

And while I'm at it, I'll bring some game garb in on the deal. I'd like to point out that the Channelers in the game were all possessed by spirits, pokémon or otherwise. And that Ninetales can lay curses on people. And that Bill was transformed into a pokémon at one point. And the entire Mystery Dungeon plotline. And the fact that 10 year olds can legally gamble.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
Back during Kanto, the characters entered hyperspace, met with Santa Claus, tackled giant robots on a desert-island, where attacked by living fossils, and much more. All of this is way stranger than the group's recent encounters, so I don't see how you can think the current episodes are becoming more and more farfetched.
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: O come on theres worse things out there like
morrison hes bad rivalry was scary
jesse need i say more
then tons and tons of fillers meh the whole show's purdy mad ... :?


Turnabout Pokemon
Back during Kanto, the characters entered hyperspace, met with Santa Claus, tackled giant robots on a desert-island, where attacked by living fossils, and much more. All of this is way stranger than the group's recent encounters, so I don't see how you can think the current episodes are becoming more and more farfetched.

::Gigglesnort:: You should add to the list: A town getting attacked by a giant Tentacruel, two of the male characters practically getting seduced by a ghost, and getting turned into dolls by a psycho Gym Leader.

...Man, why can't Santa Claus make another appearance? :,( He's totally the coolest Kanto series character.

Komedic Konservationist

N00b in the dungeon!
::Gigglesnort:: You should add to the list: A town getting attacked by a giant Tentacruel, two of the male characters practically getting seduced by a ghost, and getting turned into dolls by a psycho Gym Leader.
I forgot those, so thanks for reminding me. Kanto has so many supernatuaral moments its unbelievable.
Damn it, I wrote "hyperspace" instead of "cyberspace" >>; *Bangs head against the wall*


Well-Known Member
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. Here's mine...

You're full of it. I like the BF. I thought it was an improvement from the other ''kiddy'' eps.


Well-Known Member
We all know Pokemon is fictional. I mean, it's monsters that use super powers, and people can capture them.

But Pokemon is usually a nice show that doesnt change too too much, nothing drastic.

But in late Battle Frontier, i think the anime went too far, and i thought it was stupidly unbelivable.

Ash gets possesed....?!!?!?!?
What the poop!
That doesn't seem very pokemon-like, and rather cheesey.

To FAR!! Let me count the amount of times Ash technicly dies:

1:pokemon Tower Epi.:Thanks Chandelier.
2:Mewtwo and Mew killed him(turned to stone).
3:9th Movie(eaten by giant red blob).
Not to mention that he isn't the only one who died.