I think that some pre-evolutions went overboard, but the evolutions I have learned to get used to.
However, I wish that the grand total of Generation IV Pokémon had been more than 100, perhaps 150, considering that once you take out the sizeable amount of Legendaries and new evolutions/pre-evolutions out, there´s an awfully low number of Pokémon.
Besides, there are still a number of Pokémon I´d love to see evolutions for:
- Farfetch´d (Ronin Duck)
- Weezing (Choking)
- Jynx (Valkyrie or Yuki-Onno)
- Pinsir (Khepri)
- Ledian (Kamen Rider)
- Girafarig (Gemini)
- Shuckle (Overgrowth)
- Magcargo (Dormant Volcano)
- Corsola (Coral King)
- Qwilfish (Steel Blowfish)
- Smeargle (Abstract Artist)
- Wingull [Alt.] (Baby-Carrying Stork)
- Whismur [Alt.] (Dead Silent)
- Mawile (Ballerina)
- Wailmer [Alt.] (Narwhale)
- Spinda (Mozaic Bear)
- Zangoose (Hunter)
- Seviper (Death Snake)
- Banette (Puppermaster)
- Doduo (True Dodo)
- Kangaskhan (Joey)
- Tauros & Miltank (Evolution depends on gender)
- Girafarig (Okapi)
- Stantler (Fawn)
I´m not saying that I want all these evolutions to appear, as they´re excessive, just that they all present interesting possibilities.