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too many new evos and pre evos


Hilo Thar!
i know that the new evos + pre evos are awsome but dont you think that there were way too many released in d/p? dont get me wrong i love them as much as the next guy but they barely added any new pokemon in general just evos/pre evos of old ones. am i the only one that thinks this?



Powerplay Champion
no... to be honest, i think that there aren't enough...
i'd really like to see a golduck evo, for example
i know that the new evos + pre evos are awsome but dont you think that there were way too many released in d/p? dont get me wrong i love them as much as the next guy but they barely added any new pokemon in general just evos/pre evos of old ones. am i the only one that thinks this?


There aren't enough....Dunsparce needed an evo...


Well-Known Member
Well some Pokemon didnt need Pre Evo's(Chimecho,Roselia and Mantine) and Some didnt need evo's(Eevee,Porygon2 and Ryhdon)

Deadly Arbok

Darkness Dragon
Youre not the only one, I think so too. And to be honest I think the new pokemon are ugly. I LOVE the classic 1st season pokemon. I wish they looked more like that.-.- No worries, Il get used to the new pokemon. But still, some of the newies look awsome. The starting pokemon look weird! especially the grass and water one. The monkey one is ok.


Youre not the only one, I think so too. And to be honest I think the new pokemon are ugly. I LOVE the classic 1st season pokemon. I wish they looked more like that.-.- No worries, Il get used to the new pokemon. But still, some of the newies look awsome. The starting pokemon look weird! especially the grass and water one. The monkey one is ok.

Wow he sumed it up. But I like the penguin better then the monkey and the turtle.

~Ero Oyagi~

Well-Known Member
I think there is the right amount, but they should have given evos to different Pokémon. Evos make them more interesting.

And as for starters, I really don't like that monkey. Ew.


I think that some pre-evolutions went overboard, but the evolutions I have learned to get used to.

However, I wish that the grand total of Generation IV Pokémon had been more than 100, perhaps 150, considering that once you take out the sizeable amount of Legendaries and new evolutions/pre-evolutions out, there´s an awfully low number of Pokémon.

Besides, there are still a number of Pokémon I´d love to see evolutions for:

- Farfetch´d (Ronin Duck)
- Weezing (Choking)
- Jynx (Valkyrie or Yuki-Onno)
- Pinsir (Khepri)
- Ledian (Kamen Rider)
- Girafarig (Gemini)
- Shuckle (Overgrowth)
- Magcargo (Dormant Volcano)
- Corsola (Coral King)
- Qwilfish (Steel Blowfish)
- Smeargle (Abstract Artist)
- Wingull [Alt.] (Baby-Carrying Stork)
- Whismur [Alt.] (Dead Silent)
- Mawile (Ballerina)
- Wailmer [Alt.] (Narwhale)
- Spinda (Mozaic Bear)
- Zangoose (Hunter)
- Seviper (Death Snake)
- Banette (Puppermaster)

- Doduo (True Dodo)
- Kangaskhan (Joey)
- Tauros & Miltank (Evolution depends on gender)
- Girafarig (Okapi)
- Stantler (Fawn)

I´m not saying that I want all these evolutions to appear, as they´re excessive, just that they all present interesting possibilities.

Requiem's Eclipse

Hopelessly Hopeful
Pre-evo's to me are worthless but, evo's have purpose. So I don't really like the idea of Pre-Evo's
I think there is the perfect amount of evo/pre evos released... think about it.... the second generation had all new pokemon mostly, the third had all new pokemon mostly, and now the 4th generation is based on evos and pre evos.... its perfectly balanced


Blaziken trainer
I think that evos and pre-evos are good, but Nintendo chooses the wrong Pokemon to give evolutions. For example, Electabuzz and Magmar are powerful enough already, not to mention their evolutions are weird. Buuburn is cool, though. And I agree with your list, Cenodoxus. THOSE are the ones who deserve evolution status.
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I dropped my balls
Roselia's pre evo gave her acces to Extrasensory, but it's still useless!

why? :O
Because they could give Roselia Extrasensory as a new breeding move, that's why! Pre evo's suck ;/


I like them all! I like pre evos and evos. I won't say no to them!


A shade of mystery
There were loads of evos and preevos in G/S/C and nobody complained. R/S/E had loadsa new pokes.

Next gen will prolly have loads of new pokes again.