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Toonami gets Johto Journies!


Contaminated KFC
...So where the hell are the remaining Orange Islands episodes? If they're going to show more sagas, at LEAST finish off the ones they already have.
So damn sloppy.


Feather Trainer
Gravy said:
...So where the hell are the remaining Orange Islands episodes? If they're going to show more sagas, at LEAST finish off the ones they already have.
So damn sloppy.

I've been reading through the Toonami episodes and they actually have episode titles for once lol. They are counting the final orange league episodes as The Johto Journeys too lol.

Factory Head Noland

CyberCubed said:
My condolences. Get ready to experience the lowest point ever of the Pokemon anime.

Hey, I like the Johto Journeys.

To this I say finally. I've been waiting.

I hope new Advanced Battle episodes return very soon also.


CyberCubed said:
My condolences. Get ready to experience the lowest point ever of the Pokemon anime.

I thought that was Jotho... um... darn I forgot the name... it wasn't Jotho Journeys or Master Quest... um... it was the middle series...


Kill your heroes
Great! In maybe 5 years, they'll have Advance Battle.:D But, seriously, it's a good way to refresh your memory of the old Johto episodes like when Ash got Heracross. Evilkecleon, you are thinking of Johto League Champions.


Yeah, ok!
EvilKeckleon said:
I thought that was Jotho... um... darn I forgot the name... it wasn't Jotho Journeys or Master Quest... um... it was the middle series...

Johto League champions?

Anyway I think JJ was the worst. The first two episodes are good, but nearly every filler between that and Falkner's Gym was terrible. Then, there are quite a bit of awful episodes between that and Bugsy's Gym.

The season has a few gems like "Wired for Battle" and "The Ursaring Rampage" and "Fortune Hunters", but for every gem there were like 10 lackluster episodes.


I'd like to see Kanto or Orange Islands instead of Johto episodes, but whatever. I don't even watch CN some it really doesn't affect me.


The Amazing
So.. they show Advanced Battle.. THEN Johto Journys?

Factory Head Noland

SlimShady said:
Great! In maybe 5 years, they'll have Advance Battle.:D But, seriously, it's a good way to refresh your memory of the old Johto episodes like when Ash got Heracross. Evilkecleon, you are thinking of Johto League Champions.

Um...we have Advanced Battle already.


Restoring the Kanto
CyberrCubed - there's no episode "The Ursaring Rampage" - it's "Forest Grumps".

I like JJ, it has really some good episodes... the final one, Shadow of Drought and some others.. i like the series, cos it introduced Johto. But personally think that most episodes are useless... Johto League Champions was way better.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
so Johto Journeys is taking up Advanced battle's slot?
DAMN YOU TOONAMI *kills toonami*


Well-Known Member
poke_girl said:
So.. they show Advanced Battle.. THEN Johto Journys?

The original series of Pokemon is already airing while AB is.

Good, good, glad they've got it. I didn't see many eps here.


Cheer up.
CyberCubed said:
My condolences. Get ready to experience the lowest point ever of the Pokemon anime.

Aye, it was just a pile of random, boring and un-eventful tosh.

....and it didn't include May, -10 points.


Izit cuz I is black?
Former Absolkid said:
The original series of Pokemon is already airing while AB is.

Good, good, glad they've got it. I didn't see many eps here.

Oh, you lucky, lucky boy. Trust me, you don't want to see it! It ruined my last year of Primary school... WHY COULDN'T THEY JUST GET TO FALKNER (cries pathetically)? WHY!?! DAMN YOU AND YOUR FILLERS!!! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!!!


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
Johto was really crap because about 80% of it was crap fillers.

Why it Toonami have to put on Pokemon three times a week. Why couldn't they have just left it at once a week, maybe twice?