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Toonami is doing good


The ULTIMATE Magical Girl...
I got good news, and bad news.

The Good: Sailor Moon's coming back! :D

The Bad: She'll be the finisher at 3 AM... -_-

Please me they'll pick up where they left off on Rewind. I ain't in the mood to watch the Dark Kingdom arc again after recently seeing it. Especially since it will take TWICE as long to play now...<_<

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
If this channel and block dies (again) before Rooster Fighter begins airing (reminder it's a true simuldub) then I'll still find a way to watch it... =/


"What the hell...?"
Reminder: It's the first episode of Sailor Moon so they're re-airing the entire first season.


Silence is Purple
I got good news, and bad news.

The Good: Sailor Moon's coming back! :D

The Bad: She'll be the finisher at 3 AM... -_-

Please me they'll pick up where they left off on Rewind. I ain't in the mood to watch the Dark Kingdom arc again after recently seeing it. Especially since it will take TWICE as long to play now...<_<
Screw that. Put it on at 2am or something...

I can't believe they're restarting from the beginning. Are they doing that with Naruto also?

Pokegirl Fan~

Venus best girl
Screw that. Put it on at 2am or something...

I can't believe they're restarting from the beginning. Are they doing that with Naruto also?
I think it will be on at 2 am in the central time zone, so that works for me :D

Yes, Naruto aired episode 1 last night I think.

The Mega Champion

Well-Known Member
If this one is ****/fails... Toonami is as good as dead. If not the entire Cartoon Network channel as a whole. Just saying.


The ULTIMATE Magical Girl...
Not like it was stated anywhere that this show is do or break for the block.
Right? It's just that the pedigree has people thinking/hoping this could or will be the BEST Toonami original anime. Especially since all the rest suck.

So hopes are high.
Maybe TOO high...<_<

Though if it DOES fail, maybe this will make them finally stop pissing away money on originals, and use it to acquire shows people actually want on air.

the Akira sequel, right? I know like...literally nothing about this.

Doc: I've created a new miracle drug that will cure ALL disease!

*3 years later*

Doc: Suckers! You're all gonna die!
"Quick, form a 5 person team of super agents to stop him and save the world! "