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Toonami losing rights to PAB?


Well-Known Member
I was thinking, since 4Kids TV makes it's UK debut early next year, do you think Toonami will have to give up rights to AB? I think it'd be for the best, but even better if it goes onto Telewest and Sky, then most people can watch Advance Battle.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Civic Avenger said:
hey, Toonami does not show AB anymore, Kids WB does.
he is talking about Toonami UK
Toonami UK air Pokemon Advanced battle.... check people's locations first, not all of us live in the USA...if we did we wouldn't be able to move!


Well-Known Member
Civic Avenger, I said it's UK debut.

Maybe when 4Kids Tv comes on, we'll be behind the US.


Contaminated KFC
Why would they lose the rights to air the show just because 4Kids is dumping their crappy channel over here? A massive majority of 4Kids shows are scattered all over the place on a ton of other channels, so by that logic all of those channels would lose the rights to show all of the other 4Kids dubbed animé and cartoons.
Toonami are most likely going to keep it for a long while to come, because its obviously one of their most watched shows. The same goes for One Piece, considering they seem to be airing that a lot more recently.


Well-Known Member
I mentioned it because it's probably the only 4Kids dubbed show that stopped airing new episodes for a while. Even though Toonami airing the next episode at Christmas is logical because it's [SPOIL]Catch Snorunt![/SPOIL], it could be shown in January. Just a theory.


Hoenn Champion
Well that does sound logical, I mean about showing the next episode in January. But they could have just stuck with one episode a week then they would not have to do this. This is the first I have heard about the new 4Kids channel. Shown how much I know.


Battle Factory Champion
I think when you buy rights to pokémon seasons, you buy the whole batch, meaning that if Toonami bought episodes for Advanced Battle then they would have bought all 52 episodes of Advanced Battle.

Kakashi-Sharingan Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sharpshooter said:
I think when you buy rights to pokémon seasons, you buy the whole batch, meaning that if Toonami bought episodes for Advanced Battle then they would have bought all 52 episodes of Advanced Battle.
or maybe they only brought say 26 of the episodes.....
we will never know unless we work for toonami UK

if more channels air pokemon wouldn't 4kids get more money?


Well-Known Member
Wasn't there news months ago than Toonami would get some of the episodes until Christmas, then Sky One would get them? I mean, there's still a chance. If they get rid of PAB, Chronicles might go too, because it's been brought over to cartoon network.


From what I've seen, Chronicles seems to still air more on Toonami.

And I never heard anything about Sky 1 getting it back. As Sharpshooter said, they already bought the whole batch.


Dungeon Master
Cartoon Network (Toonami's parent company) still has the rights, as far as I know. So the short answer would be, no they aren't losing any rights.