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Top 5 Dynasty warriors characters?

latino heat

Mexican pride
1.Guan Yu
2.Lu Xun
3.Gan Ning
4.(Can't remeber his name, the guy with the claw's)
5.Lu Bu


Well-Known Member
1. Zhou Tai (The Man with the Dark-type Katana)
2. Lu Bu (One of the strongest characters in the game)
3. Sun Quan (For some reason, I used him most when I first started playing)
4. Gan Ning (Big blades = cool)
5. Cao Cao (Love how they pronounced his name in English, haha)


Well-Known Member
My favorites:

1. Ma Chao
2. Pang Tong
3. Xiahou Dun
4. Sun Quan
5. Zhuge Liang

(only DW game I have is the Xtreme Legends for 5...friend of mine has a few that I've played, though...)

Edit to add: Anyone do the challenge mode online ranking stuff? I've added two online for my DW5XL, but both were first time run-throughs and both were average scores (First time through the Gatekeeper one, I got a time of 6'02"46 with Ma Chao, though I'm ranked 375th >_< Need more practice at these, though I still can't even get the 2:38 I got on the "Kill 100 enemies in x amount of time one...I did just look on the Ma Chao rankings for Gatekeeper, I'm 14th...I wonder why he's not so popular for that?)
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Cool Lander
1. Cao pi - His combining dual swords are awesome and he looks cool
2. Zhao yun - one of the best overall characters
3. Guan Ping - only becaus eof his stance , to me, his fighting style sucks
4. Zhou tai - awesome samurai type character
5. the guy with the nunchuks.