Quote: Welcome...... to Torchwood! ( Yvonne Hartman )
Yes, this is a doctor who club. GO DOCTOR WHO!
But this is a club about torchwood. The entrance exam is to answer the new topic and that is: What do you think torchwood would have done if the cybermen + daleks didn't invade but the doctor told them not to interfere with the ghosts? I'll update maybe every 1-2 days. If you want to talk about torchwood feel free but only about torchwood, the Doctor and Rose. Also, is anyone going to watch the new series of Torchwood? Also post a Torchwood membership name; mine is Yvonne Hartman ( I'm not a girl but I'm this clubs owner ). You can have someone from Torchwood's staff or a completely original name.
Yes, this is a doctor who club. GO DOCTOR WHO!
But this is a club about torchwood. The entrance exam is to answer the new topic and that is: What do you think torchwood would have done if the cybermen + daleks didn't invade but the doctor told them not to interfere with the ghosts? I'll update maybe every 1-2 days. If you want to talk about torchwood feel free but only about torchwood, the Doctor and Rose. Also, is anyone going to watch the new series of Torchwood? Also post a Torchwood membership name; mine is Yvonne Hartman ( I'm not a girl but I'm this clubs owner ). You can have someone from Torchwood's staff or a completely original name.