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Totally confused about evoling eevee into Umbreon or an Espeon


rper and drawer
Okay so i want my eevee to evole into an umbreon and i know you have to make your eevee love you to make it evole into one but it's the same thing for espeon.(this is one firered) so how do i make it evole into an umbreon instead of an espeon.


Is feeling happy. :D
Okay so i want my eevee to evole into an umbreon and i know you have to make your eevee love you to make it evole into one but it's the same thing for espeon.(this is one firered) so how do i make it evole into an umbreon instead of an espeon.
It's hard to explain, but you need to trade it to Ruby, Sapphire, or Emerald. Then you have to let the time pass midnight. Then it might evolve into Umbreon.