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Tower of 100 challenges!

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Xeno Metal Knuckles

NO Plot
In the Wrong Section

this thread is going to be closed because of that. which is why nobody is signing up


He's right. The most that this could be is just a bunch of battle summaries.
Xeno Youkai said:
NO Plot
In the Wrong Section

this thread is going to be closed because of that. which is why nobody is signing up
It's not SUPPOSED to have a plot, dagnabbit!
It's for people who DO sign up: 100--- yes, 100 challenges for 'em, and you have to use your Pokemon!
Man, cut me some slack!


And WHY did you put this in HERE? This is the RPG section not the Sign Up section. Besides, this is not a private RPG, where u could sign up here, like Kawaii's.

Who are the trainers? Will they be easy or hard? What pokemon will the sign uppers have?They can't just have legendarys or rare pokemon. Jeez. If you're even gonna wait at the 100th floor, the trainers who sign up will prob. take a LONG time to get up to the 100th floor. Or maybe they'll just destroy all the trainers in a few posts. Just, next time read the rules.


Sign Ups belong in the Sign Up Sub Forum.

All RPGS require a story and/or plot. All you have is a character form, which is unsatisfactory on its own in the creation of an RPG. I mean, I can't say anything and give any advice, becuase there is no RPG here. As said, it is just character form. Please read the rules and regulations so you understand the concept of RPGs at this forum.
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