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Town Map


Patience? Virtue?
it's decent, although it does really need finishing. I think you should finish it and see how the final product looks. oh yeah, it's not an actual town map, i'ts a route, a town map is the kind where you see the whole region and all the towns and citys as well as routes, a lot like the one that halowarrior v1 has as their first picture


it's not bad, and yougirasu is right, it's a route map not a town map.
but i think you should finish it, to see how it looks. it's not bad right now, so as long as you don't do anything stupid it should look great!

good work


Final Fantasy Fan
Looks good, but as the other 2 guys said, this a route, not a town. To make it a town, remove the grass and put in some houses.

Looking forward to the finished product. :)


yeah it is more route than town. and please finish your work before posting.