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Tracey Gets Bugged! (099)


And, as if by magic, the webmaster appeared...
Staff member
Tracey Gets Bugged!

Arriving on Morcott Island, Ash & Co. discover a wounded Scyther, after Capturing it, Tracey must take it to the Pokémon Center. While there he discovers the Scyther got dethroned from bein in charge of his group. Can Tracey Help it?

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Team Awesome
This episode is great when it comes to Team Rocket. Jessie getting her hair cut off is so funny. Though you feel bad for her, it's great when she goes psycho on the scythers, looking for revenge. :D I also love Meowth's huge eyes when he sees her with her hair cut. LOL


Legendary Pokémon Coordinator
This Episode was one I liked a lot It was sad and cool at times seeing his Scyther get the boot at first makes me mad but it was a good eppy in all and yeah when Jessie got her haire cut off was hilarious



Tracey's Scyther...it was too old. :(

Anyways, he was not a trainer so it does not really matter. I would have been very angry if Ash had caught that particular Scyther. It's old and weak.


Ryuu said:
Tracey's Scyther...it was too old. :(

Anyways, he was not a trainer so it does not really matter. I would have been very angry if Ash had caught that particular Scyther. It's old and weak.

You mean old and experienced! :p Okay, okay... He was old. x.x() Makes you wonder how old. x.x It'd be neat to see him evolved if Kenji was the evolving type, y'know?
tracey gets bugged

;018; i loved this ep because when jessie got her hair cut off i was in histerics also i liked it when tracey did the i caught scyther and ash was telling him how to do it.


Battle Factory Champion
Episode wasn't too bad, the fact that the older Scyther lost it's battle to a younger one was nicely set up in order for Tracey to capture it (or to look after it).

I quite liked the way they worked the Team Rocket motto here with regards to Jessie losing her hair lol.


vulpix said:
i didn't really want Tracey to get a Syther.
How come? Is it because he doesn't seem the type to have a Scyther and should have something like a Smeargle?...Okay, I'm putting too much into this!


Storm Trainer
Heh, in this episode Jessie gets her hair cut by a Scyther,[SPOIL]then in the first Saffron Contest episode, she gets it cut by a Scizor.[/SPOIL]


Well-Known Member
Tracey catching Scyther was pretty obvious as it was in the oppening. Anway a really good epi. Scyther was kool and Jesse's haircut was lol. 8/10

Ashy Boy

Paul's #1 Rival
Jessie really went mental on the Scyther for cutting her hair short. She was hilarious. Didn't like Misty's bug phobia though.
Funnies part- Jessie's hair being cut, and it was cool Tracey got Scyther


King of the Monsters
I just resaw this ep and it was sweet.

Some of the Pokemons faces in this ep are quality like
Arbok fulling on the ground
Victroebell seeing that razor leaf did not work
and Venonat being scared of scthyer

Tracy also showed that he would infact be a gd battler if he trainned his pokemon more.

The one problem with this ep was Mistly saying that she wasw not scared of tracy's venonat becuase its not a bug type which we all know is wrong since it is a bug type.



Well-Known Member
An enjoyable episode, I like Scyther and i'm glad Tracy caught it, the moments that stood out Jessie being pure evil with her hair having been cut, and Ash teaching Tracy how to "properly" say you've caught a Pokemon.