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Trade shop


New Member
Hey Here is what I have up for trade currently

Any starter, although still need to get the eggs for Turtwig so he would take a little time

spiritomb(in egg, currently working on hatching)
Growlithe(same as spiritomb)

I have other guys if you are really looking for a specific guy, you could always ask although legendaries I don't think i want to trade currently and whatever.

Currently I am looking for a gible or any of its evolutions, and any guy of worth to me depends on what you can offer I could be nice, I would also accept decent items on really bad guys, that would also work. so hope I can help someone :p


Feel the heat~!
Can I have a Dratini and a Growlithe?
I don't have any gible or evo of it so, is there anything else?


New Member
hey, i really want the 3 johto starters nd ive got loads of pokemon to offer u, and i can send across master balls if u want. reply with a pokemon u wnt, although i dnt have any gibles.