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trades here. ( i need shineys but will settle for less)


Devoted Trainer
looking for any shiney pokemon you have and im willing to trade any of the bellowif u want to know more on any of therse pokemon or would preffer an egg/ lower lv i can breed them for u a few of these pokemon have also had pokerus and some may still have it. if you want any other pokemon let me know and ill see what i can do

i can offer:
dialga lv 70
gible male or female lv 15
frostlass lv 1
rhyperior lv 55
aerodactyl lv 20
hippowdon lv 54
charmander lv 5 (knows flamethrower and dragon claw)
mudkip lv 5
chimchar lv 1
monferno lv24
bagon lv 25
purugly lv 42
smoochum lv 35
sheldon lv 20
sheldon lv 1 ( knows earthquake)
spiritomb lv 1
there is a few more rare ones in there( i have no shineys )

i may still accept offers for non shiney pokemon coz lets face it we dont all have them :)

cubone, growlite and charmander shineys are my favs if u have them expect an instant trade

when i receve any shineys i may put them up on the list for re-trade

some items are also avalible for trade


New Member
I have a shiny Illusiun (or however you spell it) are you interested in that?