Money for nothing
I have a shiny crobat, and several level 100 pokemon. The level 100 pokemon include breloom, electabuzz, rayquaza, raikou, armaldo, raichu, altaria, zapdos, gyarados, jolteon, sceptile, flareon, aerodactyl, espeon, latios, and mewtwo. I'm wondering if anyone wants to trade for them, I'm mainly after event pokemon(like mew and celebi) or shinies, but if you do want to trade these pokemon MUST be legit and not cheated for. I'll need your friend code, but before you offer anything I'll go ahead and tell you that I may not be able to trade right away. I have to use my friends Wi-Fi connection T_T, but if your willing to wait a day or two just let me know.;262;
By the way crobat is level 68
By the way crobat is level 68