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Trading Apples (looking for Tart, I have Sweet)


Well-Known Member
hello everyone,

LF: Any poké (holding a Tart Apple)
FT: Shield exclusive (holding a Sweet Apple)

Not sure if it works, but can you trade sweet/tart apples to evolve your own Applin onto the other games exclusive evolution? I found a shiny Applin in my Shield but like Flapple more!

Any sword players up for trading Apples? I also have a whole bunch of Fossilised Fish/Drake if you need one..

(please note, I'm looking to trade apples, not my shiny Applin).. I can attach the Item to any of the Shield exclusive if you need one)

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Well-Known Member
I sure do! Anything you need from Shield? I'm just before the league, but i should have access to most if not all Shield exclusives/Items


Well-Known Member
I can breed you an adamant dracovish now.. wanna set up a link 15 minutes from now? Hour-you’re-in:40 ... it’s 5:25 PM here now


Well-Known Member
I’ve done the trade already, but I do have one Sweet Apple left if you need one!

If you’re playing Sword.. I’m still looking for something very specific... Galarian Farfetch’d holding a Leek.. caught in a regular pokéball.. (all my pokés have been in regular balls since gen 3, weird tick).. don’t care much about natures, I can breed it..


I need Sweet Apple and can trade Tart one right now.


Well-Known Member
I’ve done the trade already, but I do have one Sweet Apple left if you need one!

If you’re playing Sword.. I’m still looking for something very specific... Galarian Farfetch’d holding a Leek.. caught in a regular pokéball.. (all my pokés have been in regular balls since gen 3, weird tick).. don’t care much about natures, I can breed it..
I got a Farfetch’d in a Pokeball holding a Leek for you, let me know when you’re around to trade.