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Trading between PMD, Ranger and Trozei?

Ho-oh Master

Well-Known Member
Before the game (PMD) came out I saw somwhere on the PMD info page it said you can trade between the games. I have trozei and PMD (soon ranger) and I want to know how do you trade between the two? I will probly rent another DS so I can trade but is there a specail way to do it?


I am watching you...
I only know how to link up trozei and MD Blue.

On Trozei, go to "Espionage"

On Mystery Dungeon, go to "Unknown Dungeon"

Bring the DS's in range of each other (the Mystery DUngeon DS has to be closed.)

When it worked, the 0 next to "message cards" will change to 1.
The 0 next to "Coins"

Open the PMD DS and it will say something like "Do you want [your name] to bring back it's results from the Unknown Dungeon?"

On Mystery Dungeon, I almost always got a banana. Only once did I get anything differnet, and that was a thunderstone!

P.S On Trozei, you'll get a MESSAGE CARD. Not an AGENT CARD. So don't expect to find a rare pokemon on the Card!
Before the game (PMD) came out I saw somwhere on the PMD info page it said you can trade between the games. I have trozei and PMD (soon ranger) and I want to know how do you trade between the two? I will probly rent another DS so I can trade but is there a specail way to do it?
Where did you find the What you call it, PMD Page

king of blue

That's me!
I had a thread like this, but the bannana sells for 5000 poke.