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Trading Elekid's and Magby's


God of Thunder
I've got a few Magby's and Elekid's up for trade. Here's a bonus that comes along with each one:

-Every Elekid comes with Ice Punch and Cross Chop
-Every Magby comes with a Magmarizer

I've got no real major wants (or any wants that would be an equal trade, anyways), so offer what you would think is a fair trade.

x scizor x

ace trainer
oh for a magby with magmizer i'll give you a heonn starter? a piplup? respond back please but one condition make it a magmar by lvling it up then trade k


God of Thunder
First off, I don't need any of 'em. Second, no way in hell I'd do that in the first place, even if I did need 'em. I don't think it's fair to get a weak pokemon (assuming they're at level one still) for a Magmortar (Magmar evolves after being traded with that equipped).


God of Thunder
Actually, I don't have one. But, if you want, I could get some. However, that would make we want more for the Elekid.
That's fine, I actually already have an Elekid, so I really just want the Electrilizer.

So, how about a Phione (or Phione egg) and a Scyther for an Electrilzer and a Magby with the Magmarizer?


Mysterious Spriter
Level 4 Cubone for Magby with Magmarizer?

x scizor x

ace trainer
hey ma navu. umm the starters ARE LVL 50 OR HIGHER. i trained them all my self. but oh well your a noob. your not worthy of my time. if you want to settle this lets go to the battle area and you'll be obliterated.


God of Thunder
I've already got three Scyther, thanks to my Pokeradar, and I personally think Phione is worthless. Sorry.
As for the Cubone, I've got that as well.

I've got LOADS of Pokemon. >_>


God of Thunder
hey ma navu. umm the starters ARE LVL 50 OR HIGHER. i trained them all my self. but oh well your a noob. your not worthy of my time. if you want to settle this lets go to the battle area and you'll be obliterated.

When I hear starter, I think of the first form. If you meant the evolutions, just say that. >_>

Also, battles don't prove jack squat. Remember, people can win easily by throwing out their level 100 super powerful legendaries, without having to come up with any strategy whatsoever.


God of Thunder
What is the Horsea's nature?

Also, Custom_Magnum, there are Pokemon missing from my dex, but I don't wanna fill it up, seeing as there's no incentive to do so.


Mysterious Spriter
It's Quirky. How about a Dunsparce?

x scizor x

ace trainer
oh ma navu i don't use legendaries for battles lol