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Trading from FR/LG to Emerald


Well-Known Member
Can you not trade at all between these games til the E4 is beaten on both games, or is it just pokemon for the regions?

Example, if I caught an Oddish on my Emerald game, could I trade it to ym LG game since its a Kanto pokemon, even if I havent beaten the E4 in either game?

Do you have to beat the E4 n both games, or just in LG/FR?


Obsessive Beader/Mod
In order to trade from Emerald to FR/LG at all, no matter what the Pokemon is, you need the National Dex in both games and to fix the Network Machine in FR/LG.

Bonsly is pimp

No you have to get the National Dex on both games, which is done by beating the Elite Four.