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trading help


Well-Known Member
look i want to trade some pure pokemon from colosseum to emmerald but it wont let me.......can someone give step by step instructions...


<--will be mine
More detailed: Emerald with National Dex.
Collosseum: Beat Evice (not purify all, just the trades must be)
Be in Phenac
GBA-GCN cable


Toon link
you need emerald in your gameboy plug the cable in then have some pokemon to trade go to the trading centre talk to the lady downstairs then make your your gameboy is off before talking to her then turn on your gameboy an trade and you can't trade shadow pokemon


Poké Girl
omg so confusing are you people sure you need the national dex in Emerald because i could trade before i beat the Elite4 in Emerald and i just made a topic about if im able to trade if i start over Emerald because i want a treecko and i got my mudkip on Fire Red so if its possible to trade early in the game i could get my mudkip together with treecko on the beginning of the game :) but i need to know if this will work X_X


Well-Known Member
Right, here it is:

Emerald: Save in a pokemon centre, have the gcn-gba cable plugged in and turn off.
Colosseum: Go to the lady downstairs in the phenac and speak to her, turn the gba on when prompted then trade.

Yeh my friend managed to get all the legendary dogs on his emerald from colo before he got a national dex and I remember someone saying this is possible in colo but no XD.
Collesium-Beat Evice and have the credits roll

Emerald- be in a pokemon center and I think you have to have the national dex, not sure though

Dark Aerodactyl

i am not a spammer
Phenac city is town where you can trade the pokemons but you must have national dex in all 3 rd generation games. And you also must beat the game(colloseum or xd) to trade the pokemons :D